  • 學位論文


A Study of Critical Factors Analysis of High-rise Building Fire Safety Equipment Installation

指導教授 : 邱垂昱
共同指導教授 : 林志平


國內建築物具有都市集中化的趨勢,隨著土地稀有化及生活機能需求增加,整體營建規劃正朝向大型及高層化發展,而大型及高層化建築在安全上的最大隱憂即是災害預防之不足,除地震等天災外,火災預防更是首要課題。 目前國內高層建築遭遇火災時所需面臨的最大問題,即是無法保有確實且有效的外力救助,故大部分情況必須仰賴建築物本身的安全防護設備來達成救災、減災之目標。本研究之目的在於透過專家訪談調查及分析層級程序法(AHP)等研究方法,找尋高層建築物消防安全設備設置之關鍵因素,期能用於未來興建的高層建築物設計,降低火災發生率,確保人民生命財產安全。 在文獻回顧及消防專業人員訪談調查中,建立5項二級構面並延伸出22項三級指標細項,藉由AHP電腦輔助軟體之分析,取得各項權重:1. 消防安全設備設計(29.63%);2. 工程施工品質(24.68%);3. 營建結構設計(16.77%);4. 人為影響因素(16.56%);5. 消防安全設備器材(12.36%),由此可知高層建築物消防安全設備設置的關鍵因素及其重要程度,以為爾後著力依據。


Domestic buildings are provided with the trend in urban centralization. With the rarity of available land and the demands about vital functions are on the increase, now the characteristics of construction planning are substantially developing into superscale and high-rise design. The biggest worry of skyscrapers regarding the safety is just the scarcity in calamity prevention. In addition to natural disasters (such as earthquakes), fire prevention is the primary subject. Nowadays, the most serious problem that domestic skyscrapers encounter while a fire occurs is these buildings cannot keep any exact and effective external assistance. Most of the cases skyscrapers have to rely on their own protective equipment to achieve the work for disaster rescue and mitigation. The purpose of this study is to summarize the key factors of the fire safety equipment setting for high-rise buildings by Delphi Method and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the results are expected to use in the future high-rise design; to be further, reducing the incidence of fire and ensuring public safety of life and property. 5 secondary dimensions with 22 derivative indicators were obtained from literatures review and interview survey for fire professionals. Analyzing by AHP computer-aided software, we could get the related weights finally as follows:1. Fire safety equipment design (29.63%); 2. Construction Quality (24.68%); 3. Construction structural design (16.77%); 4. Human factors (16.56%); 5. Fire safety equipment (12.36%). From the above data, we can realize the key factors of the fire safety equipment setting for high-rise buildings and the importance; also, they can be used as the basis with endeavors for the future’s implementation.


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