  • 學位論文


Investigating the Characteristics of Biomolecular Additives on the Tribological Behavior of Artificial Joint Materials

指導教授 : 方旭偉


人工關節材料以超高分子量聚乙烯(UHMWPE)與鈷鉻鉬合金(CoCrMo alloy)最為常見,而超高分子量聚乙烯於對磨時所產生的磨耗顆粒會誘導人體內的免疫反應而造成植入物與骨間隙之骨溶解現象(osteolysis),進而加速人工關節鬆脫,減少人工關節之使用年限。 人體滑液膜分泌關節液提供關節對磨表面的緩衝與保護,其組成豐富且各成分藉不同的機制提供潤滑作用,我們已從先前研究中找出潤滑液的關鍵分子,分別為關節液中占比最高的白蛋白(albumin),其對摩擦力影響顯著;而玻尿酸(HA)則具有降低對磨表面摩擦係數的能力。 本研究利用pin-on-disc(POD)摩擦測試系統,在邊界潤滑的運行條件下進行人工關節對磨材料的摩擦力測試,探討生物分子之摩擦潤滑行為。實驗中使用小牛血清(BCS)以符合國際標準的比例25v/v%當作潤滑液基底,添加玻尿酸(HA)以及與同屬多醣類且具生物性相容性分子如羧甲基纖維素(CMC)、藻酸鈉(AA)、角叉菜膠(CRG)等四種生物分子,探討不同成分存於潤滑液之中的摩擦行為與潤滑表現並進行比較分析,實驗結果發現藻酸鈉為具有潤滑潛力的生物添加分子,並可藉由存於潤滑液中的含量提升而增加潤滑表現,潤滑液含有12.5mg/ml藻酸鈉具有最低的摩擦係數。並進一步探討生物添加分子存在於白蛋白溶液中摩擦性質之差異,藉以了解各分子之潤滑行為;研究結果顯示白蛋白溶液含有單成分生物添加分子均可改善潤滑現象並以添加藻酸鈉可獲得的摩擦係數最小,此結果與牛血清之結果相呼應。 此外,進行多成分生物添加分子混合潤滑液之研究,依據實驗結果建議牛血清中含有4.5mg/ml之藻酸鈉與4.5mg/ml角叉菜膠對人工關節材料具顯著的潤滑效果,希望日後能夠進行人工關節模擬器的實驗進一步地加以驗證,以期找出人工關節潤滑液之最佳比例,降低人工關節的使用者二次置換的比率。


Ultra-high molecular molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) and Co-Cr-Mo alloy are common artificial joint materials.Wear debris of UHMWPE will induce immune response of human body which leads to osteolysis.Moreover, it will accelerate the loosening of artificial joint and reduce the lifetime of artificial joints. The compositions of human synovial fluid are abundant. From previous studies, we found out that the key moleculars affecting the tribological behavior of artificial joints are albumin and hyaluronic acid. In this study, we applied the pin-on-disc friction tests to screen out the potential bio-molecular additives to reduce friction.We applied 25v/v% bovine calf serum as lubricant which is used in artificial joint simulator.Hyaluronic acid, carboxymethyl cellulose, alginic acid sodium, carrageenan are applied as the additives in BCS in this study. We investigated and analyzed the tribiological behavior of lubricants with various compositions. The result showed that alginic acid sodium is the most effective biomolecular additive. The lowest of friction of coefficient will be shown when adding 12.5mg/ml of alginic acid sodium. Furthermore, we investigated the difference in the lubrication characteristics of artificial joint materials when albumin solution was used as lubricant. The testing results show that the lubrication can be improved after adding the single molecule into albumin under boundary lubrication. Adding alginic acid could lead to the lowest friction of coefficient which is similar to the result when BCS was used as lubricant. Moreover, this study suggests that the most effective combination of lubricant composition is bovine calf serum containing 4.5mg/ml of alginic acid and 4.5mg/ml of carrageenan. It shall be further designed to run the artificial joint simulator tests to verify the phenomena observed in this study.


UHMWPE Co-Cr-Mo alloy Biomolecular Friction


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