  • 學位論文


An Impact Study of Municipal Solid Waste Minimization for Refuse Incineration Plants —Case Study of Taipei City Mu-Zha Refuse Incineration Plant

指導教授 : 張添晉


台北市目前已將垃圾處理政策調整為「減量化、資源化、處理多元化」,且積極推動各項垃圾減量、垃圾分類與資源回收措施,以期從源頭減量,將垃圾中各類有用資源分類回收、再生利用,並將環境轉型為物質循環型社會,惟政策實施後,相對減少每年之垃圾量,同時亦萎縮台北市三座垃圾焚化廠之處理量,直接衝擊其營運。因此,研究垃圾減量對焚化廠營運影響實為刻不容緩之課題。 為探討垃圾減量對焚化廠營運影響,本研究以台北市木柵焚化廠為對象,以既有資料為基礎,並配合相關文獻資料蒐集與透過實廠訪談方式,進行實務技術面、操作維護面、成本效益面、環境考量面及行政管制面等影響研究。研究結果顯示,發電量、售電量及售電所得於垃圾減量後均呈現萎縮,惟每公噸垃圾發電量及售電所得較垃圾減量前增加;而焚化爐、燃燒控制及廢氣處理等未受減量影響。96年實際垃圾低位發熱量年平均值為2,125仟卡/公斤,超過最高設計值2,000仟卡/公斤,燃燒室熱負荷過高,將腐蝕鍋爐管材,易導致破管,使非計畫性停機頻繁,須停爐維修,嚴重影響運轉。木柵焚化廠自84年正式營運迄今已逾13年,隨著廠齡增加,逐漸出現主要機電設備老化運轉效率逐漸衰退,維護工作及費用逐年增加。 此外,垃圾減量後每公噸垃圾處理現值成本明顯較減量前增加1,808元,處理成本未因垃圾減量而下降,反較垃圾減量前上升,對運維成本有顯著負面影響,所投入成本無直接經濟效益,其間接經濟效益卻能彌補無直接經濟效益之憾而有餘。垃圾減量後在能源耗用量、水資源使用量、空氣污染物排放量、廢水排放量及灰渣排放量等均明顯較垃圾減量前少,對於環境有正面影響。垃圾進場嚴格管制對於確保焚化廠之安全運轉具有助益;每年查核評鑑結果,尚能維持高效能之操作營運;環境污染管制均能符合法規標準,對環境未造成不良影響。


Taipei Government presently adjusts the plan for managing Municipal Solid Waste(MSW) to be the new policy, that is, “reducing, resourcing, and multiple treatments ”; besides, Department of Environment Protection also actively sets every plan, which is reducing, classifying , and resource recycling respectively, into action in order to minimize the source of MSW for recycling any kind of useful resources and reuse and transform the environment into a truly recycling material society. The projects can comparatively minimize the annual amount of MSW and reduce the quantities of refuse trement of three major Taipei Refuse Incineration Plants simultaneously and lead to the straight impact to the operation. Therefore, the study of MSW minimization for refuse incineration plant operation on the impact of the issue, as the delay. In order to investigate the MSW minimization impact on the operation of refuse incineration plants, Taipei City Mu-Zha Refuse Incineration Plant is the main object of the proposal for the purpose of researching the effect and result toward the refuse incineration plant while executing MSW minimization. The application and technology, operation and maintenance, spending and benefit, environment consideration, and administrative manage are evaluated according to the established data, documents as well as the interview with the incineration administrators. The report provides that electrical generation, electrical selling, and earnings of electrical selling are apt to shrink after minimizing the amount of MSW; however, electrical generation and earnings of electrical selling per ton increase before the plane of reducing the MSW. The incinerator, combustion control, and air pollution control are not impact by waste minimization.The lower heating value brought the annual average for 2007 up to 2,125 kcal/kg, which was higher than 2,000-kcal/ kg in the highest design value, exceeding heat load in combustion chamber resulting in corroding pipes of boiler and the broken pipes and the frequently unexpected closure for the operation. Thus, it leads to repair the boiler, and it greatly influenced the operation.It has been over 13 years since the formal operation of the Taipei City Mu-Zha Refuse Incineration Plant in 1995. The major facilities become outdated and the efficiency of the operation gradually declines with the march of time. The efforts of maintain and spending increase as well. Furthermore, spending of trement per ton obviously increase NT$1,808 after reducing the MSW. The trement spending does not decrease with MSW minimization but rather increase. It leads to negative influence toward the operation spending. What invest does not have direct economical effects; however, the indirect economical effects offset what direct economic effects lack. The energy consuming, water exhausting, emissions quantities of air pollutants, quantities of wastewater discharging, and quantities of ash emission are apparently decrease after waste minimization and offer positive effect toward the environment. The strict waste management is helpful for the assurance toward the incinerator with the safe operation. Thus, the annual assessment presents that it maintains the highly effective operation and makes the contaminated environment control conform to the standard and does not result in negative consequence.


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