  • 學位論文


An Exploration of Quality Management for Architectural Engineering by Constructions' Repairing Analysis

指導教授 : 林利國


食、衣、住、行為人們每日不可或缺的活動,其中又以居家的活動關係最為密切,住宅建築是一項人工藝術,但人為所塑造的成品絕非完美,從建築物生命週期中,規劃設計、發包採購、營造施工、完工交屋,經過無數工項及施工介面整合所構築,且多數作業需在工地現場完成,施作精度上常不及一般工廠生產線上的製品,所以交屋後的缺失修繕及使用中的維修,是件不可避免的作業。 本研究針對RT創新股份有限公司位於台北市地區新完工交屋後92年至98年期間,總計六個RC構造住宅用途、一個鋼骨構造住宅及辦公用途及一個預鑄構造辦公用途之八個案例進行修繕資料分析,分析以RC構造住宅用途為主,其他不同構造及用途為輔。經本研究分析得出RC構造相關修繕頻率及成本數據,及修繕項目費用排名前三名為『其他修繕、地坪牆面、滲水漏水』;同時進一步從客戶修繕資料中透過人工檢核及歸類,排除『其他修繕』非施工瑕疵之項目,並透過修繕主管確認修繕缺失主因,再依據實務經驗及相關文獻提供之標準做法,擬訂出日後新建工程施工品質之管理重點,此等改善策略由研究案例RT創新之客服系統數據查證此等缺失已獲得有效改善。 達成降低建築完工後之修繕件數及費用是國內營造廠需努力的目標,本研究依實務案例探討分析找出主要的缺失項目,並研擬妥適的改善預防策略,藉由新完工交屋案例之RT客服修繕系統得到成效驗證;相關研究成果可供營造業者參考改進,如此亦能提昇產業競爭力,創造業主與客戶雙贏的理想結果。


建築物 RC構造 交屋 保固 修繕


Food, clothing, housing and transportation are basic daily needs and housing is the most closely related to human activities among which. An architecture for residence is a kind of man made art that hardly arrives at a perfect state. Going through its product life cycle, plan/design, outsourcing/purchase, construction and finish/closing, a complicated building constructed by numerous consecutive work items and interfaces on job site is usually considered less precise than a product fabricated in a factory. As a result, repairing and maintaining after buildings' closing become an unavoidable task. This study analyzed the construction repair data in our research which will be focused on the Ruentex Development company's newly finished and closed buildings during 2003 to 2009 located within Taipei metropolis. Eight constructions projects include 6 reinforced concrete structures, a steel structure and a prefabricated structure . Via investigation and analysis of these cases, this study figures out the maximum kind and highest cost of renovations. The preceding 3 kinds of repairs that cost much are others, floors/walls and leakage. Further more, this study checked and sorted out the detailed data excluding non construction-caused errors one by one from the customer service system of Ruentex Development Comapany. Under the renovation department chief's confirmations of major repair causes, practical working experiences and standard operation process of related references, this study worked out several key points of quality management for later new constructions. Besides, this research has verified the effectiveness of framed quality management policy from the data of the Ruentex Development Company's customer service system. Reducing renovation and its costs are the objectives that all domestic constructors should make any efforts to aim for. Based on realistic construction cases, this research tried to find out the principal reasons which cause repair affairs numerously and highly costed and propose applicable precautions which has been put to the proof of Ruentex Developmment Company's customer service system for the newly finished buildings closed. The relevant outcomes of this research can be provided to contractors for reference to improve their quality management of construction. Consequently, it will gain the win-win situation to enhance industrial competition and meet customers' satisfaction and need.


Architecture RC Structure closing Warranty Renovation/Repair


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