  • 學位論文


A Case Study of the Influence of Teachers’ Effective Teaching Behaviors to Students’ Learning Strategies

指導教授 : 林俊彥


本研究主要目的如下:探討學校及補習班數學教師有效教學行為表現的情形;比較補習班與學校數學教師有效教學行為表現的差異情形;探討學生對數學學習策略運用的情形;比較有無補習數學學生數學學習策略運用的差異情形;探討數學教師有效教學行為與學生學習策略之關係。 採問卷調查法,以台北縣某國中學生為研究對象,統計方法為集中量數及變異量數、交叉表、獨立樣本t檢定、相依樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及皮爾森積差相關,獲致結論如下: 一、學校教師有效教學行為整體表現的情形,以「有效溝通領域」表現最佳,而「活潑多樣領域」表現最差。補習班教師有效教學行為整體表現同樣以「有效溝通領域」表現最佳,而「活潑多樣領域」表現最差。 二、補習班數學教師有效教學行為整體表現略優於學校教師,且在「教學清晰領域」、「有效溝通領域」及「掌握目標領域」之表現顯著優於學校教師。 三、學生學習策略運用以「資源經營策略」運用最佳,以「後設認知策略」運用最差。 四、有無補習數學學生,在「認知策略」、「後設認知策略」、「資源經營策略」的運用均有顯著差異。 五、教師有效教學行為與學生學習策略僅呈低度相關,且學校數學教師與學生學習策略之相關性略高於補習班教師。


教學行為 學習策略 補習班


The main purposes of the study are as follows: 1. Discuss school and cram school mathematics teachers’ effective teaching behavior performance situation. 2. Compare the differences of school and cram school mathematics teacher’s teaching behaviors. 3. Discuss the situations of the mathematics learning strategies which students use. 4. Compare students are tutoring in mathematics or not, the differences of their learning strategies. 5. Discuss the relations between mathematics teachers’ effective teaching behaviors and students’ learning strategies This study used questionnaire survey, and took some junior high school students in Taipei County as the research objects. The statistical methods used in this study are the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, crosstab, independent samples t-test, paired samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The conclusions drawn from statistic findings are listed as follows. 1. Among the overall performance of school teachers’ effective teaching behaviors, the "area of effective communication" is the best, and the "area of liveliness and variety" is the worst. Among the overall performance of cram school teachers’ effective teaching behaviors, the "area of effective communication" is the best, and the "area of liveliness and variety" is the worst. 2. Among the overall performance of effective teaching behaviors, Cram school teachers are a little better than school teachers. As the performance in the "area of teaching clearly", the "area of effective communication", and the "area of master goals", cram school teachers are significantly better than school teachers. 3. Among Students’ learning strategies, "resource management strategies" is the best, and "meta-cognitive strategies" is the worst. 4. As the using of "cognitive strategies", "meta-cognitive strategies", and "resources management strategies", there are significant differences among students are tutoring in mathematics or not. 5. Teachers’ effective teaching behaviors and students’ learning strategies are only low-related. Besides, the relations between school teachers’ effective teaching behaviors and students’ learning strategies are slightly higher than that between students’ and cram teachers’.


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