  • 學位論文


A Study on The Job Stress and Occupational Burnout of Vocational High School Teachers with Administrative Tasks in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林淑珍


本研究旨在瞭解臺北市高職之研究兼任行政職務教師工作壓力與職業倦怠之差異情形,並分析探討與有關臺北市高職兼任行政職務教師的個人背景資料之關係,研究結果提出結論與建議供相關單位及兼任行政職務教師參考。共計發出330份問卷,回收317份,有效問卷回收率為96%,結論如下: 一、臺北市高職兼任行政職務教師工作壓力「女性」大於「男性」 二、臺北市高職兼任行政職務年齡「30歲以下」教師的工作壓力高於「51歲以上」教師 三、臺北市高職兼任行政職務教師工作壓力,在學歷上「一般大學或科大」大於「研究所以上」 四、臺北市高職兼任行政職務教師工作壓力,在行政職務上組長大於校長與主任 五、臺北市高職兼任行政職務教師之工作壓力,在行政年資上「3年資(含)以下」及「4-6年資」顯著高於「22年(含)以上」 六、臺北市高職兼任行政職務教師之職業倦怠女性大於男性 七、臺北市高職兼任行政職務教師之職業倦怠,年齡在「51歲以上」者大於「30歲以下」及「31-35歲」者 八、臺北市高職兼任行政職務教師之職業倦怠,在學歷上「一般大學或科大」高於「師範大學畢業」及「研究所以上」 九、臺北市高職兼任行政職務教師之職業倦怠,在行政年資上「22年(含)以上」顯著高於「3年(含)以下」


The main purpose of this research is to investigate if the stress that the teachers in vocational senior high school with administrative position has something to do with their job fatigue, making a further analysis to find out if there are any relevance between them based on the teachers personal backgrounds. Then, proposing suggestions based on these conclusions to the relevant authorities as well as teachers with administrative position. Totally 330 copies of the survey were dispatched and 317 copies returned. The efficient returning ratio is up to 96.1%.These major findings and suggestions are listed below: 1.The stress of female teachers with administrative position is higher than those male teachers in vocational senior high school in Taipei City. 2.Those who are under 30 get higher job stress than those who are over 51 in vocational senior high school in Taipei City. 3.Teachers with administrative position in vocational senior high school in Taipei City who got bachelor degrees from general universities or technical colleges have more job stress than those who have master degrees or higher. 4.Teachers with administrative position suffer more pressure than the principals or the section chiefs in vocational senior high school in Taipei City. 5.Teachers whose working experiences are less than 3 years or between 4 to 6 years, their stress is higher than those who work over 22 years. 6.Female teachers with administrative position in vocational senior high school in Taipei City having more job fatigue than male counterparts. 7.Teachers with administrative position in vocational senior high school in Taipei City who are over 51 having more job fatigue than those who are 30 years old or those whose age are between 30 and 35. 8.Teachers with administrative position in vocational senior high school in Taipei City who got bachelor degrees from general universities or technical colleges having more job fatigue than those who have master degrees or higher. 9.Teachers with administrative position in vocational senior high school in Taipei City whose working experience is more than 22 years (including 22), obviously having more job fatigue than those whose working experience is less than 3 year.


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