  • 學位論文


Development of a Sustainability Performance Evaluation Tool for Implementing Product Service Systems

指導教授 : 胡憲倫


產品服務化系統(Product Service Systems, PSS)藉由產品所提供之服務或功能取代擁有產品,減少了產品原物料之使用與開發,降低環境衝擊,減少生產成本,進而增加企業獲利。然而企業該如何去評估產品是否可以發展成PSS模式?此為本研究欲研究與探討之課題,首先透過文獻分析法,從已經成功地實施PSS案例中,初擬產品服務化系統之影響因子架構;第二部分則透過模糊德爾菲法(Fuzzy Delphi Method, FDM)專家問卷確認其因子,建構涵蓋產品與組織層面之評估架構;第三部分利用模糊分析層級程序法(Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process, FAHP)專家問卷量化各因子之權重值,將架構分成產品與組織兩大層面進行探討,產品層面下的經濟面權重值(0.678)大於環境面(0.201)與社會面(0.121)三倍之多,組織層面下之管理能力比重為0.660,外在因素比重0.340;最後透過簡易加權法(Simple Additive Weighting, SAW)實施個案研究,依照問卷填答之區間將二維圖分為十六等分,X軸代表產品層面(P),Y軸代表組織層面(O),利用「+」與「-」分別代表適合與不適合使用產品服務化系統。利用兩家不同企業之產品實際測試工具之實用性與合適性,得出兩項產品皆位於(P+,O+),代表個案一與個案二皆適合實施產品服務化系統,同時透過此套工具修正個案尚未完整之準則,提供企業一套評估產品是否適合推行產品服務化系統與推行市場前之自我評估工具。而此工具也可以隨著各產業別之特性,由企業內部自行增減各項因子與其權重值,強化此評估架構之應用性。


The Product Service System (PSS) is a novel concept which emphasizes more on service provision than on the sale of products. It is believed that if designed properly, it can achieve a win-win situation—gain economic profit for companies while contribute to business sustainability in the world. Although PSS has various merits, however, companies may still hesitate to adopt it due to the risks associated with the unfamiliarity with this new concept. In view of the importance of PSS implementation in addressing the issue of the growing worldwide Sustainable Consumptions and Production (SCP), there appears to be an urgent need for companies to developing an evaluation framework of PSS implementation as an insight for managers to decide whether they should implement PSS beforehand. In this study, an assessment structure was proposed to identify the potential products for implementing PSS. Based on the literature, an influencing framework which includes 32 factors recognized by using Fuzzy Delphi Method (FDM) that may affect the decision making of companies to implement PSS was proposed. These factors are grouped into two aspects, namely, products (including services) and organization. With respect to the products, sustainability performance which includes performance as related to the economic, environmental, and social aspects is considered. For the organizational aspect, management capability and the external factors which may affect the success of PSS are considered. Both of Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process (FAHP) and Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) are, then, utilized to recognize the relative weighting of evaluation criteria and determine the priority alternatives for illustrated case of the electronics firm and great retailer, respectively. The results of illustrated cases imply that the evaluation framework of PSS implementation has the advantage for managers to identify prior PSS products and understand the situation of product-based and organization-based for implementing PSS.


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