  • 學位論文


Module Design and Recycle in the Green Supply Chain – A Case Study of a Taiwanese Auto-manufacturer

指導教授 : 丁慶榮


目前,各國政府紛紛要求汽車生產業者所使用的汽車材料符合環保法令,如:歐盟的廢棄車輛指令(the ELV Directive),其要求汽車產業所生產出的新車在車輛使用壽命終結時,可確實提高再生率(Recyclability)以及降低廢棄量。廢棄車輛指令所產生的影響無不直接衝擊當下汽車產業的經營理念,迫使汽車產業思考其產品的資源再生與永續性。汽車產業為了符合各國環保法令,對自身的環保要求從原本的清潔生產,轉而注重生產前的綠色設計及綠色採購,以期在車輛使用壽命終結時,可確實符合各國法令所明定的規範。然而,汽車產業從以往被動的廢棄物處理到現今積極的綠色設計與綠色採購,不僅僅要重新考量生產製程可能有的轉變,也需重新考量到整體供應鏈的綠色轉換。因此,如何管理汽車產業的綠色供應鏈,以及綠色供應鏈前端的綠色模組化設計與後端的回收是相當值得探討的問題。 本研究將汽車產業的綠色供應鏈分為兩階段探討,第一階段為利用供應鏈操作參考模式(Supply Chain Operations Reference, SCOR)建立汽車業的綠色供應鏈模型,並進一步分析生產流程中的綠色因子,以作為第二階段建構綠色供應鏈成本之參數。第二階段為針對綠色供應鏈中的前端設計及後端回收,建構包含綠色投入成本、拆解成本、材料/零組件再生收益、以及廢棄物處理成本的總成本模式。其中,本研究以綠色投入成本為探討重點,其結合了再生率、模組化程度以及再使用狀況,並利用實際案例,以期獲得實際的汽車零組件模組在設計端的綠色投入成本。並經由計算綠色供應鏈總成本,由分析中發現模組化程度越高且回收率越高,可以使總成本降低,並可使汽車產業更進一步地符合環保要求。


Recently, many countries announced environmental legislation associated with the automotive materials, such as the End-of-Life Vehicles Directive (the ELV Directive). The ELV Directive aims to enhance recyclability and reduce waste when vehicles reach their end-of-life phases. Also, the ELV Directive influences the business strategies of the automotive industry which must take into account the green requirement. The automotive industry focuses on green design to upgrade its supply chain into the green supply chain. Thus, it is important to mange the automotive green supply chain and to study the interaction between green module design and recycle. In this research, we intend to discuss the automotive green supply chain by two stages. The first stage is to establish the green supply chain model by Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR). From the green supply chain model, we further figure out the green factors of the automotive process flows in order to be considered at the second stage. In the second stage, we formulate the total cost model of the automotive green supply chain which includes the green design cost, the recycle revenue, and the waste cost. Among them, this research focuses more on the green involvement of green design, which combines recyclability, modularization, with the weight ratio of recyclable components. In case study, we analyze the effect of modularization and recyclability of four different modules of a local sedan model. The results show that better green module design and green consideration can reduce the green total cost of an automotive supply chain.


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