  • 學位論文


The effect of high-tech industry leadership style on knowledge sharing and innovation behavior – taking the TM Technology Inc. as an example

指導教授 : 謝介仁 哈冀連


在這日益變動的時代,公司為了能在職場環境中持續生存,不變的是渴望招募到適合且適用的人才,使公司更有競爭力。往往注重個人的學、經歷與專業技能,但這已不足以讓公司感到滿意,富有巧思且樂於展現創新行為的人員變成社會上的當紅炸子雞,他們在工作上喜歡表達自己的想法並試圖以創意且更有效率的方式解決問題,將使公司營運持續成長以達到永續經營的願景。 本研究採隨機抽樣的方式進行實地發送及收集問卷,以凱鈺科技股份有限公司之主管與員工為問卷發放對象,發出問卷300份,回收有效問卷241,回收率80%。並運用SPSS統計分析軟體,以因素分析、相關分析、階層迴歸分析等方法來進行資料分析。本研究結果有四 1. 領導風格對知識分享成顯著正向影響的假設成立。 2. 知識分享對創新行為成顯著正向影響的假設成立。 3. 領導風格對創新行為成顯著正向影響的假設成立。 4. 知識分享在領導風格對創新行為時,具有中介效果。 最後本研究希望藉此研究之結果,能提供將執行知識分享的高科技產業有些許的建議及參考。


In this era of increasing change, the company in order to continue to survive in the workplace environment, change is the desire to recruit suitable and applicable personnel, the company more competitive. They tended to focus on individual learning, experience and expertise, but no longer sufficient to allow the company is satisfied with the rich ingenuity and willing to show innovative behavior of personnel into fried chicken in society, they work like to express their ideas and attempt creative and more efficient way to solve the problem, the operation will enable the company continued to grow in order to achieve sustainable development vision. The study adopted random sampling field and collect questionnaires sent to executives and employees of TM Technology, Inc. as questionnaires were issued, issued 300 questionnaires, 241 valid questionnaires, 80% recovery. And the use of SPSS statistical analysis software, based on a factor analysis, correlation analysis, hierarchical regression analysis and other methods for data analysis. The results of this study are four: 1. Leadership style of knowledge sharing into significant positive impact hypothesis holds. 2. knowledge sharing on a significant positive impact on innovation behavior hypothesis holds. 3. The establishment of a significant leadership style positive influence innovation behavior assumptions. 4. Knowledge sharing in the leadership style of behavior when innovation has intermediary effect. Finally, the results of this research study hopes to provide knowledge sharing performs slightly tech industry advice and reference.


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