  • 學位論文


The Study of Job Stress And Coping Strategies of Home Care Worker

指導教授 : 蔡青芬


台灣社會人口老化,高齡人口成長與慢性疾病的盛行,使得需要被照顧的老人不斷增加,居家服務員是居家服務中最大的人力資源,他們如何感受工作壓力、面對照顧服務工作時應有那些因應壓力的策略,是極需深入暸解與探討的。   本論文的目的在了解居家服務員工作壓力來源,並探討居家服務員面對工作壓力時的因應策略為何,為了達此研究目的,本研究針對台南市居家服務員採用質性訪談進行資料搜集與分析,總計共訪談17位居家服務員其中1位為男性16位為女性。   研究結果發現,居家服務員的工作壓力來自於:一、工作本質的壓力:工作內容定位不清、服務案量不穩定、案家環境多樣貎、交通意外事故頻繁、緊急意外危機處理;二、與案主及家屬有關:案主和家屬不尊重的態度、性騷擾的困擾、特殊個案的服務壓力、案主/家餽贈的壓力;三、與居服員及家庭有關:多重角色的負荷、朋友/家人對工作的觀感差;四、與組織有關:督導的因素、居服員之間的比較、被申訴的壓力;五、與制度/政度有關:薪資無法提升、查班的壓力、撰寫報表的壓力。面對工作上的壓力,居服員所採取的因應策略包括:一、問題焦點因應策略:督導的協助、依契約內容提供服務、依個別化提供服務、提升專業照顧能力、應用溝通技巧、積極配合接案、結束服務關係。二、情緒焦點因應策略:自我情緒調適、案家正向回饋的能量、從事休閒活動、尋求支持。   最後,研究者根據本研究之結論,對居家服務員、居家服務單位、政府政策提出若干建議。


Due to an increase of an aging population and chronic illnesses, the number of senior citizens needing to be cared for keeps increasing. Home care workers account for a majority of the workforce in homecare services. As a result, their feelings about work stress and learning some stress-coping strategies while they are at work are issues that need to be confronted and discussed. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the causes of stress for home care workers and to discuss coping strategies when caregivers face stress at work. In order to achieve these purposes, this thesis has collected data by conducting qualitative interviews with seventeen caregivers in Tainan City. Among these seventeen respondents, one is male and sixteen of them are females. According to the research, the causes of stress for caregivers are from the followings: first, the nature of home care. This includes ambiguous job descriptions, a varying number of patients, diversified patients, the high rate of being involved in traffic accidents, and crisis management. The second cause of stress is the problem with patients and their families--disrespectful attitudes from the patients and their families, sexual harassment, special-needs patients, and gifts from the patients’ families. Third, there are problems with caregivers themselves and their families--the burden of playing many roles at the same time and negative impressions from friends and families. Fourth, problems with the organization-- oversight causes, comparisons among caregivers, and complaint-files—increase stress for caregivers. Fifth, often there are problems with policies and the government-- no room for a pay raise, being checked regularly, and writing reports. Therefore, when facing stress, home care workers should use the following coping strategies. First, use strategies that focus on solving problems--assistance from supervisors, providing services based on the contract, and providing customized services. Improve professionalism to give better care and good communication skills. Have cooperative attitudes in terms of taking in patients and ending a service contract. Second, strategies focus on dealing with emotions--adjust one’s emotions, get positive feedback from patients and their families, engage in recreational activities, and actively seek needed assistance. In conclusion, this thesis presents several proposals for home care workers, institutions providing home care services, and the government.




賀為國(2015)。原住民籍照顧服務員跨族群居家服務經驗 及培訓需求之研究〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201614032086
