  • 學位論文


The Study on the Internet Communications & Electronic Surveillance --Legal Ramifications and Impacts

指導教授 : 馮震宇


隨著網路的快速發展與普及,現今社會成為資訊爆炸的時代,只要透過電腦螢幕,人們不但可以上網購物、看病診斷、召開會議,更可以遠距教學、資訊分享,輕易地獲得所需的一切。近年來,網路幾乎已成為人與人溝通的主要方式,但是網路的興起卻也逐漸成為犯罪溫床,不但傳統犯罪行為利用網路進行犯罪行為,許多利用網路方得以實現之新型態犯罪行為也逐漸顯現,影響所及,將嚴重阻撓網路正常發展。 通訊監察為調查犯罪重要手段之一,應用於犯罪偵查上已行之有年,向來是偵查機關對抗犯罪與蒐集證據之一大利器,傳統的電話監聽已無法面對日益更新的網路犯罪,網路通訊監察技術與法制發展之重要性遂逐漸升高。然而,在打擊犯罪之同時,卻也要顧及個人權益之保障,不能以偵查犯罪之名,行侵害個人權益之實。因此如何使網路通訊監察法制明確化,降低對於網路發展之阻礙,成為一項重要之課題。換言之,在實務運作上,網路通訊監察必須要建立一套完整的機制,使得追求執法利益的同時,還能維護通訊權利的保障。 本論文將討論如何建立網路通訊監察之法律架構,及其他國家相關法制之探討,因為美國網路發展較為先進與完備,故以美國法制為主要討論對象。另外,廣義的網路通訊監察還包括企業內部監看的問題,企業為追求網路的安全性,往往會針對其網路系統進行監看,以確保無人可以竊取公司的營業秘密,並確保公司內部的資料庫不致於被干擾或破壞,維持同業間之競爭力。但在企業針對其內部網路進行監看的同時,往往會造成員工權利受到侵害,也引起相當多的爭議,將於文中深入探討。 無論電子監聽是否因為網路科技的發展而有所影響,本論文認為在建構網路通訊監察法制,以追求國家利益、社會安全之前提下,仍須同時保護人民通訊隱私之自由權利。


通訊監察 監聽 網路 隱私


As the rapid development of Internet, the modern society is full of information of all kinds. Citizens cannot only shop, receive treatment from medical doctors and hold web conference through Internet, they can also enjoy the distance learning and share information with others. On the contrary, it has become a hotbed of various cybercrime activities as well. A lot of new crime techniques emerge with Internet that has hindered its own development. Electronic surveillance, a crucial method for crime investigation, has been utilized for several years since it is an edged tool for the authorities to collect evidence. Furthermore, from past experience, we can easily find out that with each advance of communications technology comes an equally effective technique in surveillance technology. Due to the insufficiency of telephone surveillance, the technology of Internet electronic surveillance and the development of existing laws have become significant. While the technology of electronic surveillance is becoming ever important, we also need to consider the protection of personal rights, especially the right of privacy. We cannot endanger the rights of other people in the name of investigation. In order to eliminate the obstacles to the development of Internet and to establish an impartial system, a proper law for Internet electronic surveillance is essential. In other words, we should set up an integrated control system in practice to preserve the biggest benefit for both the authorities and Internet users. Therefore, this thesis is focus in discussing the established legal framework of Internet electronic surveillance and the pros and cons of other countries’ electronic legal framework, especially United States. In addition, Internet electronic surveillance can be referred to the surveillance of intra-organizations. For a better security, a lot of private enterprises supervise their own Internet systems to make sure that no hackers can pinch the confidential documents. It also helps to protect the their trade Secrets and to ensure the integrity of Databases. But while a company oversees their Intranet, it will infringe the rights of the employees and cause many controversial issues. No matter there is a difference in the category of the electronic surveillance, it is the believe of the author that we need to build a legal framework to pursue the benefits of enforce the law, but it can also simultaneously preserve the rights of communication and the right of privacy of people.


privacy Electronic Surveillance Internet wiretap


5.Eric J. Bakewell, Michelle Koldaro and Jennifer M. Tjia, Computer Crimes, 38 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 481(2001)。
6.Frank J. Eichenlaub, Carnivore: Taking a Bite Out of the Fourth Amendment?, 80 N.C.L. Rev. 315, 340-342(2001)。
11.Maricela Segura, Carnivore Devouring Your Privacy?, 75 S. Cal. L. Rev. 231 (2001)。


