  • 學位論文

顧客關係管理的核心活動在企業界應用過程 之探討

The core active process for Customer Relationship Management in the business

指導教授 : 林震岩


摘 要 隨著競爭環境日漸嚴苛,顧客需求日趨多元企業需要有更有效率的方式來管理與顧客間的關係,顧客關係管理CRM (Customer Relationship Management)成為企業關心的熱門議題。 本研究之目的,旨在整合現有顧客關係管理相關文獻,探討企業對顧客關係的定義、規劃與運用形式,從而發展出顧客關係管理的核心活動的完整模式。本研究從CRM核心功能、全面服務品質及創造顧客終身價值等觀念說明導入CRM是落實關係行銷的經營模式, 綜合以上所述 , 本研究擬定下列研究目的 : 一 、探討國內企業目前實施顧客關係管理發展現況 二 、針對企業採用顧客關係管理 , 比較其階段、類型及做法上之異同 , 並探討其原因與未來可能發展方向 。 三、利用個案研究的方式,探討企業實施顧客關係管理時所包含的實施事項有哪些?進行的順序?導入狀況以及重要特性 。 本研究為探索性研究 , 並使用次級資料的研究和個案分析法 , 針對以往相關之文獻、報告之探討 , 及實務界人士之討論 , 提出一觀念性架構 , 欲從該架構中各項變項之間的關係來發展有關命題 。並使企業了解顧客所購買的產品或服務是企業提供給他們的整體體驗的價值,以提供企業導入顧客關係時之參考,並冀望對台灣產業於顧客關係管理之研究有所貢獻。


英文摘要 Abstract As the competitive environment becomes more severe and the customer’s demand gets more diverse, the enterprises need more efficient plan to manage the relationship with their customers; therefore, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has became more and more important. The purpose of this study is to combine the relative document and discuss the definition, planning and the implementation form of CRM. By doing so, the model of the core activities was developed. From some aspects: the core function of CRM, total service quality, customer lifetime value and so on, this study specify that CRM is the business model that implement the relationship marketing. To sum up, this study indicates the propose of this study as follows: First, discuss the developments that Taiwanese enterprises implement CRM nowadays. Next, compared the difference between stages, types and methods on enterprises adopted CRM, and discuss the reason and the future about the likely progress. Finally, by case study, discuss what is involved, how to progress, developments and important characteristics that enterprises implement CRM. This study is using secondary data and case studies, to exploratory as propose a conceptual framework. The research is contact practical experience , relative documents and reports to developed the relationship among variables in this framework. This study also makes enterprises understand that the product and service bought by customers is the valve of whole experience as is provided for customers; therefore, when enterprises implement CRM may take this study for reference. Furthermore, could contribute to Taiwanese industry.


Core CRM Customer Relationship Management


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