  • 學位論文

公務機關員工之薪資制度、福利制度及升 遷制度之知覺與其工作態度關聯性之研究 —以中山科學研究院為例—

A Study on the Effects of the perceptions of compensation, benefit, and promotion systems on work attitude for employees in public organizations – the case of CSIST

指導教授 : 吳美連


在人力資源體系中,薪酬一直是影響員工行為的重要誘因,除保障員工生活外亦有激勵之作用;福利則可彌補薪資之不足,且可提升工作士氣、增強凝聚力;升遷則除代表職位的升高、薪資的增加、權力的增長及能力的肯定外,更重要的是成就感的增強,故有很重要的激勵作用;一個組織內若具有多種不同類別身份之員工,在不同薪資制度、福利制度、升遷制度的結構下,是否會對員工的工作態度造成影響?本研究之主要目的乃嘗試了解針對中科院六種不同身份之員工在現行薪資制度、福利制度及人員升遷的認知與其員工工作滿意及組織承諾之關係,以幫助管理者了解現況。 本研究對中科院龍潭地區員工進行問卷調查,採隨機抽樣,得到439份有效問卷,經由實證結果得到以下結論: 1.個人特徵(性別、婚姻、教育程度、身份類別、年齡與年資)與薪資制度、福利制度、升遷制度及工作態度部份相關。 (1).性別在升遷制度知覺上有顯著差異,且男性高於女性;在組織承諾上有顯著差異,且女性高於男性。 (2).婚姻在薪資制度知覺、福利制度知覺、升遷制度知覺及工作滿意等構面有顯著差異,且未婚者高於已婚者。 (3).教育程度除了在薪資制度知覺上無顯著相關外,餘均呈顯著相關,以專科學歷之員工最低,但在組織承諾構面,學歷愈高者得分愈低。 (4).身份類別除投入承諾無顯著相關外,餘均呈顯著相關,以軍職及文官最高。 (5).年齡與升遷制度有顯著相關,在工作滿意及組織承諾上部分相關,而與薪資制度和福利公平性無顯著相關。 2.員工對薪資制度、福利制度及升遷制度之知覺與其工作態度(工作滿意度、組織承諾)皆呈正相關。即當員工認為此三制度愈公平或愈與績效有聯結時,他們對工作的態度就愈正面。 依本研究結論,對中科院具體的建議有六:1.重新檢討薪資結構;2.發揮福委會功能,檢討現行福利制度;3.改善現行升遷制度;4.配合人事精簡政策,落實績效導向的獎勵制度;5.要注意人才流失的危機;6.增加女性員工的任用。



Compensation has been the most important incentive for employee's productivity in the system of human resource management. It is also the most important mechanism that organizations use to attract and retain competent employees. Although benefits are typically not related to employee productivity, an attractive benefit package can assist in the retention of a qualified workforce. Promotion is another frequently used mechanism to motivate employees. Promotion represents not only the increase of rank and salary; it also represents the recognition of employee's competency. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to survey the perceptions of compensation, benefit, and promotion systems in Chung Shan Institute of Science and Technology for six different classification of employees, and to investigate the relationship between the above-mention perceptions with employees' job satisfaction and organizational commitment. A total of 439 usable samples were collected through surveyed questionnaires. Results of statistical analyses include: 1. Personal characteristics (gender, marital status, education, classification, age and years of working) were related to the compensation system, benefits system, promotion system and working attitude. Specifically, the relationships are as followed: (1). Men’s perceptions of promotion system were higher than women's perceptions. However, women reported higher degree of organizational commitment than men did. (2). Single employees' perceptions of compensation, benefit, and promotion systems were higher then married employees. The former group also reported higher degree of job satisfaction than the latter group. (3). Employees with two-year college education had the lowest perception of benefit and promotion systems. (4). Different classification of employees had different perceptions. They also reported different degree of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. (5). Age and tenure were found to be associated with promotion perception, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Tenure was also associated with benefit perception. 2. Perception of compensation, benefit, and promotion systems were all positively related to both job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Six recommendations were provided in this study based on the results of analyses. They are: reevaluating the structure of compensation, empowering the benefit committee, enhancing the promotion system, implementing performance-based reward system, monitoring the turnover rate, and increasing the recruitment of female employees.



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莊祐菱(2010)。組織分配公正與薪資滿足感之關聯性研究- 以組織程序公正為干擾變項〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu201000239
