  • 學位論文


Applying Knowledge Management to Equipment Purchasing–A case Study of Semiconductor Equipment

指導教授 : 楊錦洲


鑑於台灣的半導體工廠過去並未發展出一個有效率兼系統化的設備採購作業模式,舉凡評估的項目,評鑑的權重,評鑑的方法只能散見在工程師及相關單位的各種報告或各個資料庫中,未曾將此類的寶貴經驗加以管理運用。尤其在半導體產業中,一般晶圓廠的設備投資可劃分為生產設備及其他投資兩大項,而兩者在投資項目比例上都是維持於8:2,因而設備是半導體工廠中最主要的資金花費且會影響產出之關鍵要素。 雖然台灣半導體產業在歷經數十年蓽路藍縷之經營後,已成為世界上生產的重要基地,然而在面對衰退不前的市場困境以及大陸市場的急起直追下,唯有將既有的成功與失敗的經驗,做好知識管理與創新,克服世界各地不同組織部門時空差異,才能有效分享經驗與資訊,方能立於不敗之地。本研究的目的在提出一套完整的知識管理運作模式,並將其應用於半導體設備之採購。主論文之主要貢獻為具體的構建出一個知識庫及知識管理的執行步驟,得以用有效率的方法去符合使用單位的需求,且以最佳的成本購置合宜的設備,達到高效率、高良率的生產目標。 本研究並透過專家訪談、層級分析法及灰色系統理論之方法,完成晶圓工廠黃光區之設備步進機的評估作業,並與個案相驗證,證實此一模型符合預期。本研究結果可供業界參考並構建出類似系統或進行相關研究者參考。


There is no any effective and systematical equipment-acquisition-operation model for the semiconductor factories in Taiwan. The items、 weights and methods of some evaluations were spread in engineer’s reports and databases and no one managed and used these valued experiences before. In the semiconductor industry , the investments of FAB can be divided into two items:the manufacture equipments and other requirement 。The ratio of these two items is 8 to 2 , so the equipment are not only expensive but also the key point for the manufacture of FAB。 Even thought Taiwan is one of the important manufacture bases of semiconductor in the world after tens years hard works, people need to do the knowledge management of the successful and failure experiences , in order to face the challenges of decreasing market and the threats from China and overcome the time and space differences in different sections around the world。So experiences and information can be shared effectively and successes can be made。The contributions of this research are to build a concrete knowledge database and to create the procedures of the knowledge management。The users can use these effective methods to complete their requirements and find the best solutions to acquire the suitable equipments to make the high effectiveness and high good performances production goals。 This research uses the methodologies of expert interviews , AHP and Grey System Theory to complete the evaluation of Stepper in the FAB photo section。By the testified of case studies , the model from this research fits the requirements。 The results of this research are good reference for engineers and can be used to develop the similar models or systems for the further researches。


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