  • 學位論文


The Collaborative Action Research of Integrating STS in Science and Technology to Stimulate the Third Graders’ Creativity

指導教授 : 張世忠


本研究探討STS教學融入自然與生活科技領域對國小三年級學生創造力之影響。研究者協同教學者以社會議題為主題設計了STS七階段教學之模組,並透過活動中的教學策略:合作學習、分組討論、腦力激盪等方法以期激發學生的創造力。最後,再從教學者(教學日誌、觀察記錄)、研究者(研究日誌、錄影資料)、學生(學習單、科學日誌、課堂表現、非結構性晤談)三方面蒐集資料,以質性研究之方法,探討STS教學對學生創造能力之影響和教學過程中遭遇的困難與限制,以及學生、教學者及研究者對STS教學後之感想與省思。本研究結果如下: 一、本研究之教學模組符合STS教學精神及特色,其中從海報設計的教學階段中可看出學生在創造力中均有流暢力、敏覺力及獨創力三方面的表現。 二、學生在創造力的表現方面:在STS教學過程中發現以「空氣污染」為議題的教學可激發學生的流暢力及敏覺力;以「水污染」為議題的教學可激發學生的流暢力;以「雨量與我們生活」為議題的教學可激發學生的流暢力、敏覺力及獨創力。 三、在STS教學行動中發現的困難有:學生對科學概念不清楚、蒐集資料困難、學生的學習風格不同及小組討論不順利等。教學者應先評估學生的先備經驗、個別差異並指導學生如何找資料以改進教學品質,增進學生的學習效果。 最後,本研究之教學模組、STS教學之運用、創造力之培養、課餘時間的運用、各方人員的支持及多元評量等,可提供學校教育與未來研究作為教學實施及深入研究的參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate how STS-implanted teaching in Science and Technology domain affected third graders’ creativity. The researcher cooperated with a science teacher and designed a seven-stage STS module on social issues. Teaching strategies to stimulate third graders’ creativity included cooperative learning, group discussion, and brainstorming. Data were collected from three sources: the teacher’s teaching diary and observation, the researcher’s diary and videos of the teaching, and the student’s feedback sheets on science diary and interview. The researcher analyzed these data by quantitative research and found that STS teaching had influence on students’ creativity. The researcher also brought up the difficulties and limits in the research. The main findings were as followed: 1. The STS module of this research was conformed to STS teaching spirit and characters. During the post-designing activity students were more creative by showing their fluency, sensitivity and originality. 2. The teaching on “air pollution” stimulated students’ fluency and sensitivity. The teaching on “water pollution” stimulated students’ fluency. The teaching on “rainfall and our live” stimulated students’ fluency, sensitivity and originality. 3. The teacher encountered some difficulties in STS teaching. First, the students didn’t have precise ideas of science. They also experienced difficulties collecting information. Besides, students within a group would have different opinions and didn’t know how to compromise with others. The teacher should evaluate students’ prior experiences and individual differences. The teacher should also teach students proper procedure for data-collecting. Finally, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational instruction and further studies.


王澄霞(1994)。STS 模組開發:教師充實計畫---臭氧層、溫室效應。國科會專題研究計畫成果報告:(NSC83-0111-S003-057)。
陳昭儀 (2000)。傑出理化科學家之人格特質及創造歷程之研究。師大學報,45(1),27-45。
