  • 學位論文


The Material Flow and Analysis of Growing Environmental Factors in Taiwan Fabric, Dyeing and Garments Industry

指導教授 : 何瓊芳


台灣屬於海島型經濟體系國家,地小人稠、天然資源有限,經由國際間頻繁的貿易活動,為我國帶來可觀的外匯存底,自1950年起,政府積極發展各項國家重大建設、提升全民教育程度以及改進產業技術水準,我國在短期間內締造許多聞名世界的經濟紀錄。多年來,台灣經濟體系經歷各時期的產業結構變化,從台灣光復時以農立國,隨著國民生產毛額的提高,經歷以勞力密集為主的工業時期,目前進入以服務業為主的知識經濟時期。本研究可分為兩大部分,第一部分將針對台灣地區1990至2005年之間的經濟成長相關變數進行實證分析,在這段時間內,台灣的經濟經歷初期的快速成長、各個時期的產業結構轉變,到目前維持低度的經濟成長,其間發生1997年亞洲金融風暴、1999年之921大地震以及2000年首度政黨輪替。本研究以經濟成長模型作為理論基礎,進行結構方程模式分析,以便了解各生產因素在經濟成長中所扮演的角色。第二部分是以Wernick & Ausubel(1995)及World Resources Institute et al.(1997)所建立之國家物質流帳為架構,以重量為單位,利用物質平衡(material balance)之投入-製造-產出的基本觀念,追蹤物質經由經濟活動在人類社會移動的情形,收集台灣織布、染整以及成衣業之進口量、出口量、生產量、消費量和廢棄物等資料,建立三個產業之物質流資料庫。經由實證結果可得到以下結論:(a)在 structure equation modeling(SEM)中,無論是在基本適配度、內在適配度及整體適配度方面,皆符合良好之適配標準,參數估計值皆有顯著影響,表示SEM在本研究中應用在經濟成長分析是有效應的;(b)無論是「資本因素」、「教育因素」及「人力因素」分別對於「服務因素」、「生產因素」、「紡織業因素」與「商業因素」皆呈現正向影響力;(c)織布業、染整業及成衣業無論在使用者集中度intensity of use(IU)、impact, population, affluence and technology(IPAT)分析或IU之EKC(environment Kuznets curve)皆顯示台灣的產業結構已轉變,以往需要大量勞動力的製造業大多外移至其他工資低廉的國家,目前是以服務業為主,三個產業在經濟成長與物質使用上,均晉升為已開發國家之列。


Taiwan belongs to the island type economies with dense population and few natural resources. The increases both in economic growth and the accumulated amount of foreign exchange reserves depended mainly on the expansion of international trade. Since 1950, the government has pursued economic development actively and the whole islanders work diligently under excellent education and industrial systems. All these efforts thus successfully created the well-known Taiwan economic miracles. Recently, economic system in Taiwan has gone through the industrial structural changes. For instance, it relied heavily on agriculture in early 1950s. However, it then converted to a more industrial economy which produced labor-intensive goods in middle 1970s. Now it enters the service-oriented economy stage, therefore, we need to develop many modern industrial technologies to catch up with other industrial economies. The study included two major parts. The first part performs empirical analysis by using economic growth theory and structure equation modeling(SEM) to find out which factors affecting Taiwan’s economic growth between 1990 and 2005. The second part of this study applies the material flows theory noted by Wernick & Ausubel(1995) and World Resource Institute et al.(1997) which based on the assumption of material balance globally to the specific industrial sectors of interest. We collect import, export, production, inventory and waste generated to construct industries’ material flow data bank for the fabric, dyeing and garments during 1996 to 2004. All data of materials are measured by weight in this study. The purpose of this part is to observe the efficiency of the material usage and its environmental impact. The empirical analysis indicated that, the whole goodness of fit in SEM meet the criteria, indicating that SEM is suitable in analyzing the economic growth’s explicit latent factors in the study. All capital factor, education factor and human capital factor have positive impacts on service factor, production factor, textile factor and business factor. The intensity of use(IU), impact, population, affluence and technology(IPAT)analysis and environmental Kuznets curve of the fabric, dyeing and garments industries also reveal that Taiwan’s industrial structure has changed. This is because its economic growth pattern and material usage efficiency have caught up with many developed countries.


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