  • 學位論文


Action Reserch of Integrating Green Design Principles into the Manufacturing Technology Learning Activities

指導教授 : 朱益賢


本研究旨在發展綠色設計融入製造科技之教學活動,用以了解其對於學生在作品設計與實作的影響。研究目的有三:(1)探討與發展綠色設計融入製造科技教學活動;(2)評估綠色設計教學對學生作品設計的影響;(3)評估綠色設計教學對學生實作作品的影響。採用的研究方法為行動研究法,研究對象為研究者任教學校中接受生活科技課程之學生,兩個班級共85人,進行為期7週共14小時的「綠色設計教學活動」。教學活動過程中讓學生利用回收之光碟片進行產品的綠色設計,以「綠色設計學習單」與研究者課堂觀察與紀錄作為研究分析用之資料,對學生在設計與實作兩方面與綠色設計符合程度進行整理與分析。 經過資料蒐集、整理與分析後,得到以下研究發現: 一、 綠色設計概念適合融入製造科技領域,且適用於增進學生對能源與資源的善用與珍惜。其中可融入教學中之綠色設計原則可分為材料選擇、產品功能與加工過程三大項。綠色設計融入製造科技教學適合以多元評量方式評量學生之學習成效。 二、 綠色設計教學活動對學生作品設計時材料選擇方面的「再生及豐富的資源」與「單一材料」等項目之得分上有顯著的成長。 三、 綠色設計教學活動對學生作品設計之產品功能方面,「重複使用與」與「易拆解設計」子項目上之得分有顯著的成長,而「增加產品耐久性」項目上之得分僅略為成長。 四、 綠色設計教學活動對學生作品實作方面在「低耗能」、「減少使用材料」與「表面處理」等子項目上之得分有顯著成長,而「最佳化生產技術」上之得分則略為退步。 最後,本研究依據研究結論提出建議: 一、 對教師教學的建議:(1)教學內容部分可以善用短片輔助教學;綠色設計原則所提供的例子可更生活化;(2)實作活動部分在材料選擇上可選擇其他材料進行加工,在產品功能上能增加結構與重心內容之教學,在加工過程上教師可設計適合的模具以輔助學生進行精密的加工;(3)教學活動部分可增加同儕互動的機會;給予學生足夠的時間進行設計與實作。 二、 對未來研究的建議:(1)可將其他教學法列為研究變項;(2)從其他科技領域中觀察學生綠色概念;(3)進行行動研究時,教學過程可與同科教師進行協同教學,以增加資料之蒐集。


The present study aimed to develop a learning activity adopting green design into the manufacturing technology, and to understand its influence on the students in their work design and implementation. This research planned to accomplish the following purposes: (1) to develop and to assess a learning activity adopting green design in manufacturing technology setting ;(2) to assess the impact of learning activity on the students’ capability of designing products; (3) to assess the impact of the learning activity on the students’ capability of implementing products. The research method adopted action research. Two intact classes of 85 senior high school students participated in the study. The study lasted for seven weeks, that is, a total of 14 hours of "green design" learning activities. During the process of teaching and learning activities, the students used the recycled CDs to design their products. The data for research analysis was collected through the use of worksheets and researcher classroom observation, and was further analyzed to see whether the students’ design and products were in accordance with the principle of green design. The major findings of the study were listed below: 1. The concept of green design was suitable for integration into the manufacturing field of science and technology and for enhancing students' use of energy resources and cherishing it. Three major sections can be integrated into the teaching of green design principles , including material selection, product features, and product processing. The evaluation sheet of green design and implementation can be used to assess the effects of these three major sections on the use of energy resources. 2. The results of students’ selecting the sections of “renewable resources” and “single material” showed a significant effect of the green design teaching activity on material selection. 3. The results of students’ selecting the sub-sections of “reusability” and “the design of easy disassemblage” showed a significant effect of the green design learning activities on product design, while the result of students’ selecting “the increase in product durability” was not salient. 4. The results of students’ selecting the sub-sections of “low energy consumption,” “reducing the use of materials,” and “surface treatment” showed a significant effect of the green designlearning activities on student practical work, while the result of students’ selecting “optimizing production technology” was on a slight step backward.


