  • 學位論文


Marital Beliefs, Conflict-Coping Strategies, and Marital Adjustment of Newlywed Couples

指導教授 : 林如萍


中文摘要 本研究以新婚夫妻為對象,旨在探討新婚夫妻婚姻信念、衝突因應策略與婚姻調適三者之關係,採問卷調查方式。本研究將新婚夫妻界定為結婚兩年內、尚未生育子女之初婚夫妻,經立意取樣的方式,取得樣本共83對新婚夫妻,即樣本數為166人。主要之研究發現如下: 一、新婚夫妻之背景特性為:教育程度偏高,多在大學以上;家庭結構則多屬於未與上一代父母同住的小家庭,整體而言具有高同質性。 二、新婚夫妻之婚姻信念,整體而言偏向認為婚姻關係是可以經營、發展而改善的,進一步將整體樣本加以區分,則可分為四種婚姻信念,其中,以「命運傾向」者佔最多比例,其次為「最佳傾向」者,排序第三為「發展傾向」者,最少比例的是「無助傾向」者。「命運傾向」者與「最佳傾向」者總計將近六成,顯示有將近六成的新婚夫妻具有關係宿命觀。 三、新婚夫妻所採用的衝突因應策略,依使用頻率由高至低排列,依序為「正向回應」策略、「自我興趣」策略、「自我責備」策略、「尋求社會支持」策略、「逃避」策略以及「爭執」策略。 四、新婚夫妻的婚姻調適情形整體為佳,若進一步比較「夫妻雙人關係」、「家庭運作原則」及「與原生家庭互動」三個調適面向,則以「與原生家庭互動」此一面向的調適較為困難,亦即新婚夫妻與上一代父母之間的關係較難調適。 五、婚姻信念為「發展傾向」或「最佳傾向」之新婚夫妻婚姻調適較好,「命運傾向」或「無助傾向」者的婚姻調適則較為不好。本研究假設一獲得支持。 六、婚姻信念為「發展傾向」者較「命運傾向」者常採用「正向回應」策略,「命運傾向」者則較「發展傾向」者常採用「逃避」策略。本研究假設二獲得部分支持。 七、發展傾向者愈常採用「自我責備」策略,則婚姻調適愈不好;命運傾向者採用「爭執」策略愈多,則婚姻調適愈不好。本研究假設三獲得部分支持。 依據研究發現,本研究提出下列建議: 一、新婚夫妻的婚姻教育課程 (一)加強個人認知方面的學習,突破個人認為婚姻關係無法改善的迷思,提升個人經營婚姻的意願 (二)發展個人正向積極之衝突因應策略的學習,增進個人處理婚姻衝突的能力 (三)增加個人對於姻親關係經營的瞭解,協助個人建立良好的兩代互動關係 二、未來研究 (一)探討不同內涵的婚姻信念,增進對於影響婚姻調適之個人認知因素的瞭解 (二)擴大樣本數與取樣範圍,豐富相關之研究結果 (三)樣本進行配對處理,針對新婚夫妻婚姻信念或衝突因應策略的一致性加以分析其婚姻調適 (四)輔以質性深入訪談法,深入探討新婚夫妻婚姻信念、衝突因應策略與婚姻調適三者之相互影響關係 (五)進行長期性研究,增進對於本土婚姻調適歷程的瞭解 (六)突破「婚姻信念」此變項之概念在統計操作上的限制 (七)建立「婚姻因應量表(MCI)」的構念效度 (八)探討衝突因應策略與婚姻調適兩者的相互影響關係


ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to discuss newlywed couples’ marital beliefs, their conflict-coping strategies, and their marital adjustments. The study sample consisted of 83 first-marriage newlywed couples, who have married for two years and haven’t had a child. A questionnaire was adopted and administered for this study in order to gather the study data. Specifically, the husbands and the wives were asked to fill out the questionnaire separately. The major findings are presented as follows: The study sample was highly homogeneous. More than sixty percent of the study couples had college degrees or finished graduate schools. Additionally, eighty-six percent of the study participants did not live with their parents. Generally, the newlywed couples believed that their marital relationships could be improved by their dedications in the relationships. Based on “growth belief” and “destiny belief,” the participants could be classified into four kinds of marital beliefs, which were “Evaluation Orientation”(30.7%), “Optimization Orientation”(27.1%), “Cultivation Orientation”(25.9%), and “Helplessness Orientation”(16.3%). The study results showed that approximately sixty percent of the participants’ marital beliefs fall into “Evaluation Orientation” and “Optimization Orientation”, which means that newlywed couples had destiny beliefs. Based on the frequency report to newlywed couples’ conflict-coping strategies, “positive approach” was the first choice for the couples to handle conflicts. The second conflict-coping strategies was “self-interest,” and followed by “introspective self-blame,” “seeking social support,” “avoidance,” and “conflict.” The study findings also showed that the newlywed couples had a good marital adjustment in their relationships. Using “the relationship between the couple,” “the principles of the family,” and “the interactions within family-of-origin members” as three adjustment dimensions for comparisons, “the interactions within family-of-origin members” was the worse adjustment dimension than the other two dimensions for newlywed couples to adjust their relationships. In other words, there was a difficulty between the newlywed couples and their parents in a newlywed couples marital relationship. In summary, this study selected newlywed couples as study sample to discuss the following three issues: (1) the relationship between the marital beliefs and the marital adjustments; (2) the relationship between the marital beliefs and the marital conflict-coping strategies, and (3) the relationships among the marital beliefs, the marital adjustments, and the marital conflict-coping strategies. Concerning with the marital beliefs variable and the marital adjustment variable, the study found that newlywed couples who had cultivation-oriented or optimization-oriented marital beliefs had better abilities to adjust their marital relationships than the couples who had evaluation-oriented or helplessness-oriented marital beliefs. Concerning with the marital beliefs variable and marital conflict-coping strategies variable, positive approach was the marital conflict-coping strategy that often used by the newlywed couples with cultivation-oriented marital beliefs than the couples with evaluation-oriented beliefs. Additionally, avoidance was the strategy that often used by the couples who had evaluation-oriented beliefs than the couples who had cultivation-oriented beliefs. Concerning with the marital beliefs variable, the marital adjustments variable, and the marital conflict coping strategies variable, the newlywed couples with cultivation-oriented beliefs usually used “introspective self-blame” strategy, which negatively influence their marital adjustments. Additionally, the couples with evaluation-oriented beliefs usually used the “conflict” strategy, which also negatively affect their marital adjustments. This study also provides several recommendations for the marital education programs of newlywed couples and future research. There are three suggestions for the people who work in the marital education programs of newlywed couples. First, there is a need to educate people that good and health marital relationship can be developed. Second, positive conflict-coping strategies should be encouraged for couples to properly handle conflicts in their marriages. Third, intergenerational relationships can be carefully managed through people’s understanding and respect. There are four suggestions for the future research. First, this study used three different variables (marital beliefs, conflict-coping strategies, and marital adjustments) to study newlywed couples’ marital relationships. Future study can focus on each of these three variables separately or can further their studies to discuss any two variables at a time (i.e., the relationship between the marital adjustment and the marital conflict-coping strategies). Second, future research can used different research methods, such as qualitative interview methods, longitudinal research, or enlarging the scope of study sample, in order to provide different angles on some issue. Third, more adjustments need to be made for the “marital beliefs” variable for further statistics analysis. Fourth, future research may need to carefully translate the adopted instrument in order to avoid the language differences affecting instrument’s validity.




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