  • 學位論文


A study of the relationships between junior high students' perception of science classroom learning environment and their perceived academic status and self-efficacy

指導教授 : 楊文金


本研究旨在以學習環境相關理論及研究為基礎,一方面使用RGT(凱利庫存方格晤談技術),一方面以「學習環境量表」(LEI)為主要參考依據,分別編製「理化學習環境方格表Ⅰ卷」(教育環境面向)及修訂「理化學習環境方格表Ⅱ卷」(社會環境面向),合併形成「理化學習環境方格表」,探討學生對理化學習環境的知覺情形;並分別以期望地位理論、自我效能理論為基礎,探討不同學術地位與自我效能學生在理化學習環境知覺上的差異情形。 為了達到上述目的,本研究以編製的「理化學習環境方格表」,並選擇「班級結構問卷」、「理化科自我效能問卷」為主要研究工具。研究對象主要分兩部份:第一部份為編製「理化學習環境方格表Ⅰ卷」所需的個案班級學生,選取台北縣甲國中某二年級班級,獲得有效樣本32人;第二部份為台北縣甲、乙兩國中共四班(甲A、甲B、乙A、乙B),138位國二學生參與問卷調查,主要進行「理化學習環境方格表」、「班級結構問卷」與「理化科自我效能問卷」等問卷的正式施測。研究結果如下: 一、甲校學生的理化教育環境整體知覺顯著地高於期望值,顯示偏向正向知覺;乙校學生的理化教育環境整體知覺並未顯著地高於期望值,顯示知覺介於正向與負向之間。至於甲、乙兩校男女生的理化教育環境整體知覺情形均沒有顯著的差異。 二、學生在「團結」、「偏愛」、「競爭」、「目標導向」與「困難」五個向度上的理化社會環境知覺為:團結、不偏愛、競爭、具目標導向、不困難。至於男女生在五個向度上的理化社會環境知覺情形均沒有顯著的差異。 三、不同班級學生的理化教育環境整體知覺有顯著差異,主要差異產生在甲校兩班與乙校兩班之間,甲校兩班學生具有比乙校兩班學生顯著的正向知覺。 四、不同班級學生只在「團結」、「偏愛」、「競爭」、與「困難」四個向度上的理化社會環境知覺有顯著差異:乙A班顯著的團結、甲B班顯著的不偏愛、乙B班顯著的競爭、乙A與乙B兩班皆知覺到顯著的困難。 五、甲校不同學術地位類別學生的理化教育環境知覺有顯著差異,各學術地位學生的理化教育環境正向知覺,由高至低依序為正向組、普通組、負向組與受忽略組;乙校不同學術地位類別學生的理化教育環境知覺則沒有顯著的差異。 六、不同學術地位類別學生在「團結」、「偏愛」、「競爭」、「目標導向」與「困難」五個向度上的理化社會環境知覺均沒有顯著差異。 七、不同自我效能組學生之理化教育環境知覺有顯著差異,各自我效能組別學生的理化教育環境正向知覺,由高至低依序為高自我效能組、中自我效能組與低自我效能組。 八、不同自我效能組別學生只在「團結」、「目標導向」與「困難」三個向度上的理化社會環境知覺有顯著差異,高、中自我效能學生分別較低自我效能學生知覺到較多的團結、目標導向與較少的困難。 最後,本研究根據研究結果提出相關的討論與建議。


This study aimed at (1) investigating junior high students' perception of their science classroom learning environment by adopting the Repertory Grid Technique and related theories; (2) exploring the differences of junior high students' perception of such learning environment in terms of the expectation states' theory and the self-efficacy theory. The following instruments were developed and modified: (1) The Physics-and-Chemistry Learning Environment Grid, which embraces both aspects of educational and social dimensions of learning environment; (2) The Classroom Structure Questionnaire, and (3) The Physics-and-Chemistry Self-Efficacy Inventory. To tally 138 students of four classes chose from two schools were involved in this study. Major findings were summarized as follows: 1. Students' perception of the educational dimension of their learning environment were significantly different between chose schools. However, no gender differences were found. 2. In cases of social dimension of learning environment, students perceived their science classroom climate as cohesive, not favoristic, competitive, goal-directed, and not difficult. No gender differences were observed. 3. Students of different classes perceived the educational dimension of their learning environment differently. This would be attributed to the features of schools. 4. In cases of "cohesiveness", "favoritism", "competitiveness", and "level of difficulty", significant differences were observed among chose four classes. 5. Different level of "perceived academic ability" students perceived the educational dimension of their learning environment differently, however, the effects of the features of different schools also observed. 6. In case of the social dimension of learning environment, no significant differences were found among all level of "perceived academic ability". 7. Students who were in higher level of physics-and-chemistry self-efficacy perceived the educational dimension of their learning environment more positively. 8. In case of the social dimension of learning environment, students of higher level of self-efficacy in physics-and-chemistry, perceived their class as more "cohesive", "goal-directed", and "less difficult". Finally, based on the findings, suggestions for further study and implications of science education were discussed.


金樹人和許宏彬(1998):國中學生生涯建構系統之結構分析。教育心理學報, 30(2), 59-99。
楊文金(1999):「期望地位」對同儕互動的影響分析。科學教育學刊, 7(3), 217-232。


