  • 學位論文


The professional growth of interns under different school community culture and mentoring ideas

指導教授 : 黃芳裕




Since the announcement of the Ministry of Education in 1984, the teacher preparation system has changed. New policy reveals the multi-source of teacher preparation. Its characteristic is the conduction of school-based apprenticeship model. Namely, from then on, the interns must practice in teacher preparation institution with one year. The vision of new intern system is, besides well interact with the mentors, the interns should comprehend the community culture of school. So, the aim of this study is to explore that under new intern system, the teacher professional growth situation is how affected by the community school culture and the mentoring ideas of the mentors. On the base of qualitative research, the framework of this study was constructed through the literature analysis on the vision of teacher preparation, mentoring ideas, teacher professional growth and school community culture. Data collection as follows: observation of classroom, filed notes, interviews and reflective journals. Researcher analyzed the mentors through three dimensions: (1) structural, (2) supportive and (3) professional; the interns through four dimensions: (1) professional knowledge, (2) teaching properties, (3) personal relationship and (4) personal worldview of interns. Researcher analyzed these dimensions through (1) personal character, (2) interaction of mentors and interns, (3) the vision of teacher preparation and (4) the community culture of intern school. The study conclusions are expressed through three aspects: First, in the aspect of intern school, (1) The school community culture will affect the centripetal force of the interns to the intern school. (2) When the teachers’ pedagogical practice of intern school properly-managed, the professional growth of interns will be better. Second, in the aspect of mentors, (1) Mentors with complete mentoring ideas will affect the growth of interns, and interns will get better professional growth. (2) When mentors and interns interacted well, the mentoring process will operate successfully. (3) The selection of intern school is an important factor in interns’ professional growth. Third, in the aspect of interns, (1) When interns are well-informed, their teaching will perform thoroughly. (2) The professional growth varies from the personal worldview of interns. (3) The professional growth varies from the personal character of interns. (4) When interns are in harmony with environment, interns will get better professional growth. (5) The professional growth of the interns will perform successfully when the interns are perceptual to the complexity of teacher. (6) If the interns can comprehend the future educational policy, the degree of devotion will raise.


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