  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 吳忠吉教授


公營金融機構成立之初,皆有冠冕堂皇的成立願景,以供行員追求,但組織變革愈多,其成立宗旨愈不彰顯;甚至在民營化或與金融機構合併,乃至成為金控公司之子公司後,早期建構之公益服務旨趣,已為利潤所取代,此係當前民營金融機構之普遍現象,但此種情形,對於早期投資的公部門乃是最諷刺之事。 臺北銀行歷經多次變革;即由非法人變成法人;由非公司變成公司;由公營轉型為民營;進而與其他民營金融機構合併,最後成為不再是獨立主體之金控公司之子公司,其變化之大,固屬罕見,而其轉型之快,更屬國內金融機構轉型之首見,說明組織變革並無底線,祇有組織生命週期之循環。 臺北銀行之組織變革可視為臺灣公營金融機構轉型最值得研究的案例之一,乃因其轉型過程中有許多成功的經驗;也有殊多失敗或失望的經歷。對於臺北銀行之組織變革,至少有以下的經驗是值得記取者,比如: 一、 組織轉型,規劃作業不週。 二、 組織轉型,過程溝通不良。 三、 組織轉型,員工保障不備。 皆是臺北銀行在組織轉型中,已呈現的不理性現象;前車之鑑,正可提供未來公營金融機構組織轉型之重要參考。


Every public financial institution begins with a foundation based on a great vision for their employees to pursue; one intended to instill a sense of service, a focus on the public and community. However as time and personnel move on, organizational change often veers in a different direction, even contradicting the institution's initial mission. In many instances, after public financial institutions were privatized or else merged with private financial institutions or financial holding companies, they more often than not turned their value of public interest into seeking private benefits. This transition, the resulting change, is contrary to the institution's original public purpose. The end result being the neglect of the public sector, which was originally the primary founder of these public financial institutions. One such institution is Taipei Bank, which has been subjected to several organizational transformations: from non-legal entity to legal entity, from non-corporation to corporation, from public bank to private bank, then being merged with a private bank. But now the private bank has become a subsidiary of a financial holding company. Taipei Bank's evolution is not only of great contrast, but also one of great speed -- certainly a rare occurrence among Taiwan's financial institutions. Such a case proves to be an excellent example that there are no limitations for organizational change. Due to its past transitional history, we can also view Taipei Bank as one of the most valuable cases for a study on organizational changes of Taiwan's public financial institutions. The following deductions are worth noting. They had: 1. An incomplete transformation plan. 2. Inefficient communication between processes. 3. Insufficient guarantees for employees. The history of Taipei Bank's evolution coupled with irrational mistakes of the institution's past make good examples for other public financial institutions to avoid and try to improve upon during organizational change.


劉嘉文(2013)。公司重整制度及相關機制之研究 -以中部地區月眉育樂世界為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2013.00486
