  • 學位論文


Policy Argument of Pond Expropriation Disputes in Taoyuan Aerotropolis

指導教授 : 吳秀光


埤塘是桃園地區特色的自然資源,在航空城計畫中,各利害關係人對於是否徵收埤塘都持不同的看法。因此,本文研究目的為: 一、 瞭解航空城關於埤塘使用之議程設定、規劃過程、決議結果。 二、 整理計畫區內之埤塘背景資料,及未來開發可能性。 三、 歸納相關利害關係人的主張、意見。 四、 探討不同面向之研究問題,建立單一論證平台供不同意見討論。 五、 綜合研究結果,提供政府與民間團體參考。 本研究所採取的研究方法為:文獻分析法、深度訪談法。利用政策論證理論作為研究架構,訪談個案爭議相關之利害關係人,受訪對象依照不同的類別做區分,分別有地方政府、中央政府、地主、民意代表、當地居民、環保團體等六類。並以法律規範、公共利益、經濟發展、環境生態等四個面向提出訪談分析與政策論證圖。本研究發現有:各方利害關係人對於保留埤塘的共識、水利會的關鍵地位以及財務可行性因素。主要政策建議為:加強協商與推廣、發展合作開發及推動綠色經濟。後續研究建議分別是:增加不同的受訪代表、研擬財務計畫及比較國內外成功案例。 關鍵字:埤塘、航空城、區段徵收、政策論證


埤塘 航空城 區段徵收 政策論證


Ponds are the key feature of natural resources of Taoyuan region. In Taoyuan Aerotropolis Plan, the stakeholders hold quite different points of views on land requisition of the pond area. The followings are the goals of this study: 1. To understand the agenda setting about the land usage, the planning process and the final decision for the pond area in Taoyuan Aerotropolis Plan. 2. To organize the background information and future probabilities to exploit the pond area. 3. To sum up the opinions of stakeholders. 4. To discuss different aspects of the topics and set up a platform for two-way discussions. 5. To provide the government and civil organizations with the study results as reference materials for similar plans in the future. This study adopts document analysis and in-depth interview as the study methods. The interview with the controversial stakeholders of Taoyuan Aerotropolis Plan is based on the basis of policy argumentation. The interviewees are divided into several groups: the local authority, the central authority, the landowners, the people representatives, the residents and the green groups. Moreover, the analysis and the outline of policy argumentation are presented according to four aspects: the laws and legal norms, public interests, economic developments and the ecosystem. The study results includes the stakeholders’ consensus of pond protection, the key position of Irrigation Association and the financial factors. According to the study results, the future policy should focus on negotiation and promotion of the ongoing project, cooperation development, and green economics. Also, advices for the future studies are to interview people from different backgrounds, set up financial plans, and conduct case studies on successful domestic and foreign projects. Keywords: Ponds, Aerotropolis, Zone Expropriation, Policy Argument


