  • 學位論文

性別主流化下基層公務人員性別意識認知之研究 -以台北市戶政事務所為例

Study on Gender Consciousness of Local Public Servants under the Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming: Case Study Household Registration Offices, Taipei City

指導教授 : 呂育誠


「性別主流化」(Gender Mainstreaming)在1997年由聯合國經濟暨社會理事會(Economic and Social Council, ECOSOC)正式提出後,國際上普遍肯定其是實現性別平等的最佳策略,各國紛紛推動相關的政策與行動。回顧台灣推動性別主流化已有一段歷程,理當預期公務人員應對此政策有基本認知,雖然實行對象是不分機關層級與單位,但政策的落實與成效通常隨層級有異,而政府組織以基層政府機關的成員男女比例差異為最大和直接服務的特性,突顯出探討性別主流化政策在基層政府機關的落實情況和人員的性別意識認知是值得研究的。 研究方法採行文獻分析法,探討性別主流化的內涵,瞭解中央政府與地方台北市政府推動性別主流化政策的概況;問卷調查法瞭解基層公務人員對此政策的認知以及對性別平等議題的看法。 歸納統整並配合研究問題進行討論,檢視文獻探討、性別主流化政策執行層面與問卷分析成果的異同,研究發現如下: (一)性別主流化政策制定層面- 1.忽略政策過程融入性別觀點的宗旨; 2.符合全面性策略和以最高機關為指導原則,缺乏建立課責機制; 3.政策執行意願、人力與預算的充足性問題; 4.執行對象無層級之分和措施不具體,各機關無法瞭解其職責。(二)基層政府機關執行層面- 1.執行中央政府計畫應加強基層公務人員對概念的建立與認知; 2.執行地方政府計畫應加強性別觀點與業務的結合; 3.教育性別平等觀念為政策功能,行動融入性別觀點為政策意涵; 4.基層公務人員對政策內涵的認知不足,政策落實流於形式化; 5.戶政事務所的性別主流化專區網頁內容簡陋。 (三)基層公務人員的認知層面- 1.對政策認知不明確,難見執行的行動力; 2.性別意識的認知特色: 僅男性和主管不認為業務應依性別分工; 男性和年資6-10年的戶政人員,對公務上互動與管理會考量性別的同意程度較高; 個人工作表現與交友不受性別影響; 職場與家庭的傳統性別規範應被改革已有共識; 3.性別主流化政策可改善人際互動、工作歧視和性別議題觀感的認知圖像。


In 1997, “gender mainstreaming” was formally proposed by the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). After the proposal, it was commonly regarded throughout the world as the best strategy to actualize gender equality, and various countries began promoting related policies and activities. In retrospect, Taiwan has been advancing gender mainstreaming for an extended period of time now, and the public servants are rightly expected to be equipped with basic knowledge of the policy. Nonetheless, although the policy is implemented throughout government organizations in disregard of the latter’s levels and units, its actualization and effectiveness often differ according to the levels of government. Amongst the levels of government, the local government, characterized by its direct services, is where sex ratio is most skewed. This demonstrates that the implementation of gender mainstreaming policy in the local government, and the gender consciousness of local public servants, are topics worthy of exploration. The research method adopted in this paper is document analysis, discussing the content of gender mainstreaming, seeking to understand the general condition of its advancement by the central government and Taipei City government. On the other hand, questionnaire survey is conducted in order to explore local public servant’s awareness of the policy, and their view on issues concerning gender equality. Research findings: First, constitution of gender mainstreaming policy: a. Neglects to integrate gender perspectives into the constitution of the policy. b. Although the policy qualifies as a system-wide strategy, with the highest levels of government as its guiding principles, its constitution fails to establish accountability mechanisms. c. The willingness, human, and financial resources in the implementation of the policy are insufficient. d. Fails to segment the subjects of policy implementation by their levels of government accordingly, and lacks concrete measures; government organizations are unable to recognize their specific duties. Second, local government implementation of gender mainstreaming policy: a. In the execution of central government projects, the establishment of and emphasis on local public servant’s awareness towards the concept of gender mainstreaming must be reinforced. b. In the execution of the projects of Taipei City government, the integration of practice and gender perspective must be reinforced. c. The function of the policy is to advance the education on gender equality, while the implication is to integrate gender perspective into action. d. Local public servant’s understanding of policy implications is insufficient, thus the policy is formalized rather than actualized. e. Gender mainstreaming pages on household registration office websites are lacking in content. Third, local public servant’s awareness of gender mainstreaming policy: 1. Lacks definite understanding of the policy, and commitment to its implementation. 2. Characteristics of Gender Consciousness: Only men and superintendents do not think that practices should be assigned according to gender; household registration office staffers who are either male or with 6 to 10 year seniority show greater agreement to take gender into account in their interaction and management of official affairs; an individual’s job performance and the forming of friendship are not affected by gender; it is agreed that traditional gender norms in the workplace and within the family should be revolutionized. 3. The cognitive map of gender mainstreaming policy can serve to improve interpersonal interaction, alleviate employment discrimination, and ameliorate impression on gender issues.




