  • 學位論文


Educational Choice of Studying in Military Academy School — Taking Students in the Chung Cheng Armed Forces Preparatory School as an Example

指導教授 : 陳怡昌


在面對近幾年教育不斷變革的多元入學制度與其他入學管道下,相對著,現今升學或就業的管道也都趨向多元化,使學生在做決策時的影響因素更顯複雜。學生第一次面對升學之抉擇,哪些因素會影響他們選擇升學軍事院校,本研究主要是以「計畫行為理論」為基礎,研究樣本則是以中正預校及高雄地區高中職校500位新生來實施問卷調查。其中之態度、主觀規範、知覺行為控制為本研究構面因素,瞭解學生選擇升學軍事院校之原因。足以協助軍事教育單位依學生選擇升學的考量,引導適當有效的軍事教育之行銷策略及輔導工作,並做為實質政策上的依據。 研究結果顯示:從敘述性統計分析結果的資料發現,態度之個人相關利益、群體相關利益等研究構面的平均數值為最高,知覺行為控制之自我能力、便利狀況等研究構面的平均數值為次之,主觀規範之主要群體、次要群體等研究構面的平均數值相對為最低,但是其研究構面都顯示一定程度的重要性。再者,發現居住地區、家長職業、家庭收入、態度、主觀規範及知覺行為控制對於升學意願有顯著差異之影響。最後依分析結果提出建議,以供各個軍事學校參考。


In a few years, Under the education revolution of the mutiple entrance paths and other paths. Nowadays it’s more complicate for students to make up their minds because there are the afrend of multiple choice on attend further school or find a job.When the students face the first choice to attend high school,Which factors affect their choice to study military academies.In order to investigate the factors of selecting military academy as further educaton,this study is on the basis of Theory of Planned Behavior as a research framework.The Chung Cheng Armed Forces Preparatory School and 500 new high school students in Kaoshiung were surveyed.Attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control of dimensions for this study, and understanding students choose to study causes of military academies. To assist military education students choose careers to consider, guide of appropriate and effective marketing strategies and promotion of guidance work of military education, and as a real policy on the basis. Research findings: From description sexual statistics analysis results of data found, attitude of personal related interests, and groups related interests, research frame surface of average value for highest, perception behavior control of self ability, and facilitate status, research frame surface of average value for followed by, subjective specification of main groups, and minor groups, research frame surface of average numerical relative for minimum, but its research frame surface are displayed must degree of importance. Furthermore, The results showed that living area, parants’occupation, family income, attitude toward behavior, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control had significant influence on the intention for further education. Finally, the suggestion were proposed for the various military academies as reference.


47,黃昆輝(1978),我國大學入學考試報考者與錄取者家庭背景之比較分析,國立臺灣師範大學工業教育研究所集刊,20,頁149-326 。
