  • 學位論文


The correlation between the leadership of sales managers and recruiting behaviors of subordinates- The case of S Life Insurance Company.

指導教授 : 陳明園


近年來因低利環境與國際金融情勢動盪,衝擊著國內壽險業的經營;壽險從業人員招募的速度比不上退休或退出壽險市場的速度,招募的難度更隨著少子化的趨勢而增加,壽險業從業人員的招募是當務之急。S壽險公司為提升員工招募意願,特意調整薪酬制度,期望能引導員工積極招募行為。但就作者本身實務經驗與文獻發現,主管領導力的展現才是真正影響部屬行為的關鍵要素。因此本研究探討主管轉換型領導的幾個構面:魅力領導、個別關懷、啟發才智、共享願景,加上個案公司產業特性所需具備的溝通頻率與品質等五個面向,對部屬積極招募行為的影響。 本研究結果顯示主管溝通的頻率與品質與部屬招募行為呈現顯著正相關,表示個案公司主管溝通的能力與技巧愈好,部屬招募的成效愈佳,但轉換型領導的其他構面與部屬招募行為無顯著關聯性。本研究重新解析出兩構面---個人特質展現度與團隊意識展現度,發現主管團隊意識展現度與部屬招募行為呈現顯著正相關,個人特質展現度則無顯著關聯性,亦即主管團隊意識展現才是真正影響部屬積極招募行為的原動力。


領導力 招募 轉換型領導


In recent years, life insurance industry is under huge crisis due to low interest rates and unrest international financial situation in Taiwan. Not only the number of sales recruited declined but the retirement and abortion increased. The difficulty of recruiting increased with low fertility as well. It’s urgent for life insurance industry to recruit more employees. To enhance the intention of recruiting, S company raises employees’ base pay to influence their behaviors. According to the references and the author’s observation, however, managers’ leadership is the key criteria to affect subordinates’ conducts. Therefore this thesis investigates some aspects of managers’ transformational leadership-charismatic leadership, individualized consideration, inspirational motivation, sharing vision, and well- communicated. The results showed a significant positive correlation between managers’ good communication and subordinates’ recruiting behaviors, which means the more communication ability managers showed, the better subordinates recruited. The other aspects of transformational leadership showed no significant positive correlation with subordinates’ recruiting behaviors. This research re-analyses two aspects to describe the relationship between managers and subordinates toward recruiting-expression of personal trait and expression of team awareness. We found that expression of team awareness is significant positively correlated with subordinates’ recruiting behaviors, but not expression of personal trait. So we believe that sales managers’ expression of team awareness counts when it comes to subordinates’ recruiting behaviors.


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