  • 學位論文


Learning characteristics of active aging older adults

指導教授 : 魏惠娟


本研究目的為探討八十歲以上活躍老化高齡者的學習特質,採紮根理論研究法,結合立意抽樣與理論抽樣,選取十二位長期參與非正規學習活動的高齡者為研究對象,研究參與者均通過SF-36健康量表與SPMSQ簡易心智狀態問卷調查表,且擁有穩定的經濟能力與安全的居住環境,符合活躍老化「健康、參與、安全」的定義。本研究以訪談法為主,參與觀察為輔,分析歸納活躍老化高齡者的學習特質,包括生活背景、個性特質、家庭與人際關係、學習動機、參與條件與限制,學習的態度、內容與方式,以及學習效益等面向。 研究結果發現,高齡者參與學習或志工活動的動機為補償學習機會、滿足個人興趣與彌補人際互動需求,並透過長期參與活動獲致夥伴關係,進而提升身心健康,維繫認知功能,滿足社會接觸與回饋社區,達到活躍老化的效益。本研究提出「補償與尋伴理論」,並以「補償缺乏的尋伴之旅」作為活躍老化高齡者學習特質的主軸概念。 針對研究目的,本研究提出以下結論: 一、活躍老化高齡者展現正向的個性特質、積極的生活型態,主動的學習態度。 二、配偶家人為參與學習的關鍵因素,同儕支持是長期持續參與的重要動力。 三、高齡學習以補償需求為動機,以建立夥伴關係為途徑。 四、教育程度與學習動機存在正向關係,未來世代差異將擴大而性別差異將縮小。 五、機構因素仍為主要參與障礙,先備知識有益高齡學習的廣度與深度。 六、透過參與學習促進身心健康、維繫認知功能、提升生活安全。 依據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議: 一、對於政府部門: (一)透過退休準備教育提升對於高齡學習的認識與參與。 (二)對高齡教育的補助方式可以更靈活多元。 二、對於高齡學習機構: (一)利用社區活動包裝學習,透過夥伴關係招募成員。 (二)活動內容應考量性別差異,並就未來世代差異預作準備。 (三)鼓勵居民自行規劃學習活動,開發在地人才並活化場地利用。 三、對於高齡者與家人: (一)成年期發展終身學習態度,廣泛培養知識興趣。 (二)善用配偶與家人管道,鼓勵高齡者進入學習場域。 四、對於未來研究的建議: (一)嬰兒潮世代高齡者的學習特質必然展現新貌,值得比較與深入探討。 (二)非活躍老化與第四齡高齡者的參與動機、活動內容與學習效益有待探討。


The purpose of the study is to explore the learning characteristics of active aging older adults of eighty years old and above. By means of grounded theory approach, twelve octogenarians were selected through random sampling and theoretical sampling. As long-term participants in learning activities or voluntary services with financial and housing security, they were first evaluated by SF-36 Health Survey and SPMSQ questionnaire and qualified as active aging. Several aspects of characteristics were analyzed and deducted via semi-structured interview supplemented by participation observation method, including life background, personality, family and interpersonal relations, learning incentives, prerequisites and limitations, and learning attitudes, contents, methods, and effects. The study concludes that older adults participate in learning activities to make up for learning opportunities, fulfill personal interests, and compensate for the lack of interpersonal relations. Through peer partnership in learning activities, older adults enhance physical and mental health, maintain cognitive abilities, obtain social contact, provide feedback to the community, and eventually achieve active aging. Based on the findings, the study proposes “compensation and partnership theory” that defines the main characteristic of active aging older adults’ participation in learning activities as “a journey of seeking compensation and partnership”. The study leads to the following conclusions: 1. Active aging older adults demonstrate positive personalities, lifestyles, and learning attitudes. 2. Family plays a vital role for older adults’ participation in learning activities, while peer partnership a motivation for long-term engagement. 3. Compensation for deficiency is the major incentive for older adults’ learning, and peer partnership as the main approach. 4. A positive relationship exists between educational levels and learning incentives, with increasing generation differences and decreasing gender differences expected in the future. 5. Institutional factors remain the major participation barriers for older adults, while prior knowledge proves useful in facilitating learning activities. 6. Learning activities promote physical and mental health, maintain cognitive abilities and enhance life security. The study proposes the following suggestions: First of all, the government should consider implementing compulsory retirement education to promote learning activities after retirement, and subsidies for older adult education may be appropriated with more diversity and creativity. Secondly, learning organizations may make use of voluntary services as a means for recruiting older adult participants, while gender preferences and generation differences should be considered in future program planning, and older adults be encouraged to organize their own programs and recruit more local residents to share their knowledge and expertise. Thirdly, life-long learning habits and broad interests should be cultivated in adulthood for active participation in older adult learning, and family members as major encouragers should play a more active role in promoting older adults’ participation in learning activities. Finally, more studies should probe into learning characteristics of baby-boomers, who display obvious distinction from their prior generations. In addition, learning motivation, contents, and effects for people of the fourth age and non-active aging older adults are worth further investigating.


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