  • 學位論文


Content Marketing in the Online Environment:The Impact of Picture-Text Congruence, Processing Fluency and Product Attitude

指導教授 : 蘇宏仁




This study addresses effects of picture-text congruence of the cosmetic products in the online shopping environment on consumer processing fluency and product attitude, then add different levels of consumer need for cognition as moderate mediation. The research use experimental approach designed to mix three products visualizations (luxury, neutral and natural) and two product descriptions (luxury and natural) to affect processing fluency and product attitudes. The results of research illustrate that the picture-text congruence indeed affect consumer processing fluency and product attitude. But it will not affect the relationship between the need for cognition and the following three main effects: picture-text congruence to processing fluency, picture-text congruence to product attitude and processing fluency to product attitude. These findings of this study can provide beauty industry e-commerce operators to develop the website operations and marketing strategy, it also promote researchers in related fields a direction of future research.


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