  • 學位論文


Research on the Management of Integrating Organic Farming Into Leisure Farm

指導教授 : 羅清吉


環境變遷使人類面臨生存的危機,提倡有機農耕法,以維持生態平 衡。政府在推動有機休閒體驗時,應積極整合各部資源,以確保生態循環並永續利用。 本研究透過文獻與理論回顧、調查訪談,針對選定之農場來做案例 分析和課題對策,並取得下列結論: 一、有機休閒農場的運行,此指「在幾近天然的農地開生態旅遊;特別強調業者以環保和降低環境衝擊的方式經營有機農場。更要對當地 環境友善,以兼具發展生態美學、傳統藝文與產業獨特性。」 二、由於資金與人力的缺乏,使得有機農民較無暇關注除了傳統產銷之外,農場上的休閒遊憩規劃管理。 三、經營有機休閒農場,應加強專業技能並透過導覽解說來教育及服務民眾,以提升遊客滿意度及產業發展性。 現今「有機農業」被視為突破農業窘境並朝向「永續生態發展」之 新思維。期能將結果供政府、有機農場經營等相關作參酌。


The agriculture industry once played an important role in the developing economy of Taiwan. Due to the impact of import product, use a lot of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, the practice of conventional agriculture not only puts the nature in risk, but also jeopardizes the quality of life for human beings. Organic agriculture is the way that not pollutes the environment and destroys the ecology. The recreational requirements of leisure experiencing has grown rapidly to cater for WTO. Many farms have altered their traditional farming model into organic products that encouraged the agriculture sector to diversify its management model, motivate the leisure industry to combine with. The study methods include with literature analysis, real world in-depth interview and SWOT analysis, etc. The research objects are the ecology of organic farming of which has been recommended by Tze-Xing Organic Agriculture Development Foundation, participants with working-related. After organizing and analyzing, the results of the study are as follows: 1. The eco-organic tourism defined here is focused on semi-natural habitats to develop ecotourism activities; in particular, emphasizing organic farming with environment protection and low environmental impact of the village. Especially, these environmental- friendly activities are also aimed to develop landscape aesthetics, industrial culture, and ecological unique in local areas. 2. Due to lacks of human resources and bankrolls, farmers can’t pay fully attention except on the management of traditional producing and marketing to the functions of leisure experiencing. 3. Organic farms may use any means to increase their professional knowledge in order to provide a better educational narration and achieve a highly industrial development. Nowadays, organic agriculture is treated as a new method which could improve the present predicament that the agriculture can turn limits into sustainable development. According to the results found in the study, I sincerely hope to compress some suggestions to the government, organic farm’s manager and those who may concern for reference.


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