  • 學位論文


Cultural Product Design for Taichung Leh-Cherng Temple

指導教授 : 黃台生


近年來,隨著文化創意產業的蓬勃發展,創造出許多文化創意商品之經濟效益,其中以文化創意商品最具有台灣本土化之特色,所以台灣各宮廟也紛紛設計出屬於自己宮廟特色之文化創意產品。本研究旨在探討信眾對於文化創意商品品項之喜好程度與購買意願,並以台中樂成宮媽祖廟所發展之文化創意商品為例。 本研究透過訪談法與參與觀察法用以設計本研究問卷之題項內容,透過問卷調查法瞭解消費者對於樂成宮文化創意商品之代表性、喜好程度、購買意願以及屬性偏好之情況。經統計結果發現「媽祖平安符」以及「文昌賜筆手機吊飾」的喜好程度與購買意願最高,基於此部分,本研究認為該二項商品為最具樂成宮文化創意商品之代表性。此外,本研究亦根據受試者對於該兩項文化創意商品之屬性評分之排序,發現「媽祖平安符」以文化特色為主,其次為商品功能與故事背景,而「文昌賜筆手機吊飾」主要的商品屬性特色以創新設計為主,其次為商品功能及顯現風格。本研究藉此結果以及「行為轉換」、「寓意延伸」、「進化思維」三個設計概念,將「媽祖平安符」與「文昌賜筆手機吊飾」重新設計,並再度透過問卷調查法驗證樂成宮文化創意商品創新後消費者的喜好程度與購買意願。 最後,本研究根據研究分析結果重新設計台中樂成宮的「媽祖平安符」以及「文昌筆」,以增進消費者的購買意願,將本研究結果落實於台中樂成宮的文化創意產品設計之中。


In recent years, cultural and creative industries has been more popular and creating the economic benefits of many cultural and creative products. The products of cultural and creative industries of religions most of the characteristics of Taiwan's. So Taiwan temples have designed their own temples of cultural and creative products. However, few studies to explore the religious culture of creative products. Thus, our study aim to explore follower's for the religious culture of creative products preference and purchase intention, and use Taichung Leh Cherng temple develop of cultural and creative products as an example. This study through interview and participant observation method used to design our study questionnaires. And then, use questionnaire survey to know follower for Leh Cherng temple cultural and creative product’s representativeness, preference and purchase intention. According analysis results show that “Matsu Amulet” and “God of literature cellphone charm” which preference and purchase intention get the highest score in all the Leh Cherng temple cultural and creative products. So this study consider that”Matsu Amulet” and “God of literature cellphone charm”are the most representative of the Leh Cherng temple cultural and creative products. Additionally, this study also referred to the sorting of attributes rating of the two cultural and creative products for follower. We discovered that “Matsu Amulet” is mainly based on cultural characteristics, with function and story background. While “God of literature cell-phone charm” features creative design, with function and appearing style. Through the research results and three design concepts, behavior conversion, implied meaning extension and evolution thinking, re-designed “Matsu Amulet” and “God of literature cell-phone charm” and through questionnaire survey we verified the preference and purchase intention of Leh Cherng temple follower after products creative design. Finally our study redesigned Leh Cherng temple’s “Matsu Amulet” and “God of literature pen” products based on the results, in order to increase consumer’s purchase intention.


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