  • 期刊


Moral Disengagement in Competitive Sports among Collegiate Athletes: Scale Development and Current Status Analysis




Purpose: The study attempted to develop a valid and reliable Chinese Moral Disengagement in Competitive Sport Scale based on the Moral Disengagement in Sport Scale (MDSS) by Boardley and Kavussanu (2007) to identify the current status of moral disengagement in competitive sports among collegiate athletes. Methods: Six-factored MDSS (Boardley and Kavussanu, 2007) was translated into Chinese and 406 collegiate athletes with competition experiences were purposively sampled as the participants in the study and data were analyzed with Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Internal Consistency Analysis, Descriptive Statistics, T-test, and One-way Anova. Results: The Scale with six factors and 30 items was developed and proved with good validity and reliability. The moral disengagement in competitive sports of collegiate athletes were measured by the scale developed in the study and the differences among genders, specialties, and competitive level were also analyzed. Conclusion: 1. The most frequently used mechanisms of moral disengagement in sports were Dehumanization and Conduct Reconstrual; 2. Male collegiate athletes showed higher moral disengagement in sport than their female counterparts; 3. Collegiate athletes specialized in team open sports had the highest moral disengagement in sports; 4. Collegiate athletes with higher competitive level showed higher moral disengagement in sports.


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邱浩政(2007)。量化研究與統計分析:SPSS 中文視窗版資料分析範例解析。台北:五南。
