  • 會議論文


A Study on the Utilization Situation, Motivation, and Degree of Satisfaction of Changhua County Stadium Users


本研究主要目的是要實際去了解彰化縣立體育場使用者之使用情形、使用動機,以及使用滿意度為何,希望藉由本研究結果喚起政府機關對於運動休閒場所規劃管理及經營的重視,並將研究結果作為提供改善國內運動場地硬體設施及維護管理等軟體的參考。本研究之對象為彰化縣立體育場的使用民眾,研究中一共發出200份問卷,共計回收188份,問卷回收率為94%,其中有效問卷為186份,有效問卷率回收率為93%。研究資料使用描述性統計(Descriptive Statistic)進行研究資料分析,所得結果如下: 一、彰化縣立體育場使用者之月平均收入以10,000元以下居多,占69.9%。 二、彰化縣立體育場使用者每月在運動休閒之平均花費以2,000元以下最多,占68.8%。 三、就場地設施使用情形,使用者以每月平均使用5次以下者最多,占71.5%;就場地使用時間以1小時以內的使用者占大多數,占65.4%。 四、就場地設施使用項目而言,以田徑場之使用率最高。 五、就場地設施使用動機而言,以來此運動健身為主要動機者佔大多數。 六、就場地使用原因而言,主要選擇彰化縣立體育場之原因為離家近。 七、就整體場地設施滿意度而言,使用者對彰化縣立體育場之使用滿意度平均值為2.97(標準差為0.77),可知使用者滿意度稍微趨於負面,略為不滿意。


The purpose of the study was to understand utilization situation, motivation, and degree of satisfaction of Changhua County Stadium users. There were 186 valid questionnaires out of 200 questionnaires. The rate of valid questionnaire was 93%. The findings of study were: 1. average monthly income for most Changhua County Stadium users (69.9%) was under NT$ 10,000. 2. average monthly expense on recreation and sports for most Changhua County Stadium users (68.8%) was under NT$ 2,000. 3. for utilization situation of Changhua County Stadium, most of stadium users (71.5%) used stadium facility less than 5 times per month, and 65.4% users spent less than one hour time in Changhua County Stadium. 4. the most frequently used facility of Changhua County Stadium was ”track and field facility”. 5. the major motivation for participants in Changhua County Stadium was ”exercise and health reason”. 6. the major reason for selecting Changhua County Stadium was ”close to home”. 7. the overall degree of satisfaction for Changhua County Stadium was 2.97(mean), which indicated stadium users were slightly unsatisfied with Changhua County Stadium.

