  • 學位論文


A Study on the Traditional Territories of Indigenous Peoples— A Case of Atayal Smangus Community

指導教授 : 張長義
共同指導教授 : 李建堂(Chei-Teng Lee)


傳統領域作為原住民族取用與控制資源的空間,是如何在歷史進程裡為不同的行動者所監控?而不同行動者間的互動又如何促發資源取用與控制機制的轉化?原住民族藉由日常生活中與土地的接觸而產生傳統領域資源管理知識,並透過集體行動的運作從而形成內在的規範,形塑傳統領域的管理機制。本研究透過心智圖繪製、公眾參與地理資訊系統(PPGIS)、參與觀察與深度訪談具體分析泰雅族司馬庫斯部落傳統領域,討論國家與原住民族傳統領域間的互動關係及不同行動者取用與控制資源的形式與機制,並藉由GIS科技平台的整合,讓原住民族得以跟國家和科技理性展開新的互動, 國家對於在地社群的監控,剝離原住民族與傳統領域的關係,導致國家與地方間的緊張關係,致使傳統領域治理的失能。於此本研究指出,原住民族傳統領域環境資源的治理應基於在地社群對於傳統領域的領域性與傳統知識。


The Traditional Territories of Indigenous Peoples(TTIP) in Taiwan is originated in the interaction of indigenous people’s tribal organization and traditional social system. It implies that it is an organic body interacted between spatial and social or between cultural and physical dimensions. The territoriality is very much diversified. The change of local tribes in different specific stages due to various reasons is enormous. The TTIP has been changed in the context of time and space due to various driving forces such as local social– economical- political conditions. In addition, it also makes the study of the TTIP more difficult because of the constraints of languages, social, cultural and methodological factors.. Public participation geographic information system is the process that members in the community use spatial information to participate public decision making. In Taiwan, indigenous traditional territory has a lot of gaps because of the factors of ethnics, language, culture and institution. This study applied geographic information to promote local participation and integrate traditional knowledge of the Smangus community. In additions, by connecting the local context and applying GIS technology to prepare the geographic data, the authors in this study have also conducted survey and training program of Community Mapping for the Smangus Natives in the study of indigenous traditional territory. Otherwise, the empowerment and marginality in the multi-scales include community, ethnics and the indigenous peoples has been verified in order to assess the impacts of PPGIS applied in traditional territory study of the Smangus community. The study has been aware of that the survey of TTIP involved in sustainable development of the tribal community should have mutual communication with local residents and their actively participating environmental resources management in their own living territory. In order to tackle a study on the relationship among tribal peoples and locales in different period of time, an appropriate survey methodology should be developed to evaluate the mechanism of empowerment and marginalization among tribal groups. However, according to this study, it’s known that a study on the indigenous traditional territory of Smangus Community from the four dimensions awareness, ability, participation and resources would be able to suitably evaluate the mechanism.


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