  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Airborne Metal Concentrations and Blood Metal Levels of Workers in a Electric Arc Furnace Steel Plant and Effects of Blood Lead Level and Occupational Noise on Hearing Loss

指導教授 : 黃耀輝


目的:第一,瞭解煉鋼廠主要製程部門之空氣中總粉塵與可呼吸性粉塵的金屬濃度分布情形。第二,探討員工作業環境中空氣粉塵的金屬濃度與血中金屬濃度之相關性。第三,探討員工血鉛濃度與職業噪音暴露對各頻率聽力損失的影響。 方法:研究對象為某煉鋼廠412名員工。定點作業環境測定包含總粉塵與可呼吸性粉塵採樣兩部份,以及平均噪音與最高噪音測定。受試者的蒐集資料共有員工血液樣本、聽力檢查資料,以及健檢問卷資料等。空氣粉塵樣本與員工血液樣本以感應耦合電漿質譜儀 (ICP-MS) 分析鉻、錳、鎳、銅、鋅、砷、鎘與鉛等金屬濃度。 結果:空氣中總粉塵採樣結果顯示,電弧爐區之鉻、錳、鐵、鎳、銅、鋅、砷、鎘與鉛等金屬濃度為所有採樣區最高者。空氣中可呼吸性粉塵鉻、錳、鐵與銅等金屬濃度以合金儲料區最高,而鎳、鋅、鎘與鉛等四種金屬濃度則以電弧爐區最高。員工血中鉛濃度與空氣總粉塵及可呼吸性粉塵的鉛濃度相關係數最高,分別為0.475與0.383(p<0.0001)。以邏輯斯迴歸同時分析年齡、血鉛濃度與噪音暴露值三個變項對於員工聽力損失值的影響,所有受試者的血鉛濃度以7 μg/dL 為區分點分成高、低血鉛兩組,平均噪音值以85 dB 為區分點將噪音暴露分成高、低噪音暴露兩組,而聽力損失值以25 dB 為區分點將聽力損失分成聽力損失、聽力正常兩組。同時調整年齡以及噪音暴露的影響之後,高血鉛組的勝算比在3K Hz之聽力損失值為4.8 (95% CI:1.6~14.4),而在4K Hz為2.7 (95% CI:1.2~5.7)。 結論:員工血鉛濃度明顯與作業環境鉛粉塵暴露有關。低血鉛濃度與聽力損失有關,詳細機轉值得進一步作討論。 關鍵字:電弧爐、鉛粉塵、血鉛、聽力損失。


電弧爐 鉛粉塵 血鉛 聽力損失


Objectives:(1) to measure airborne particulate metal concentrations in the major steel manufacturing departments, (2) to explore the relationship between work environmental metal exposure and blood metal levels of workers, (3) to explore the effects of blood lead level and occupational noise on hearing loss. Method:Study subjects included 412 employees from a steel plant. Environmental monitoring consisted of total and respirable airborne particulate metal levels, average and maximum noise levels. Information collected for study subjects includes blood metal levels, hearing loss, demographic data, and work history. Airborne particulate samples and blood samples of workers were analyzed for Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Pb with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry . Results:Results of total airborne particulate sample analyses showed that electric arc furnace area had the highest levels of Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb. Results of respirable airborne particulate sample analyses showed that material-supplying area had the highest levels of Cr, Mn, Fe, and Cu, and electric arc furnace area had the highest levels of Ni, Zn, Cd, and Pb. Total and respirable airborne particulate lead levels were shown highly correlated with the blood lead levels with correlation coefficients of 0.475 and 0.383(p<0.0001), respectively. All subjects were categorized into high lead level group and low lead level group at the cut point of 7 μg/dL, and classified into high and low noise exposure groups at the environmental noise level of 85 dB. Hearing loss was defined as both ears with average hearing loss greater than 25 dB. After adjusting the effect of age, the odds ratio for hearing loss for the high blood lead level group were 4.8 (95% CI:1.6~14.4) at 3K Hz and 2.7 (95% CI:1.2~5.7) at 4K Hz. Conclusion:Blood lead levels of workers were highly correlated with the work environmental lead particulate exposure. Relatively low blood lead level was founded correlated with hearing loss, and, however, the mechanism still need to be further explored. Key words:electric arc furnace, lead dust, blood lead, hearing loss.


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