  • 學位論文


Compensation Scope of Liability for Breaking-Off Negotiation

指導教授 : 詹森林


本論文第一章為「緒論」,主要在介紹問題意識、研究目的、研究方法,並就所欲探討之問題,提出依研究之體系架構,方便讀者閱讀研究。 本論文於第二章為「中斷締約責任之我國現制與問題」,首先將確認中斷締約責任之保護必要性及正當性,事涉「契約自由原則」之界線,並其與「契約正義」間之角力。再提出我國規範締約上過失責任之法條─民法第245條之1,由學說與實務面探討之,先提出學說上對於該條文之批評,包括成立要件及法律效果等,再觀察實務適用上有無任何不妥之處,是否存在學者所提及之種種質疑。 本論文第三章探討「中斷締約責任之損害賠償範圍」,將回歸損害賠償法之基本理論,分析損害賠償之意義並概略介紹不同的損害賠償制度。而於損害賠償制度中,若欲確認損害賠償之範圍,最重要者即在於確立「損害」的概念,是以,釐清中斷締約責任所產生之損害,且該等損害於損害賠償制度中應如何歸類、如何請求,亦為本論文研究之範疇。由損害賠償制度之基本理論出發後,將得出目前法律規定以及實務運作均無法滿足現況之結論,而針對此一法律規範之不完備,我國學者有何解套方式,本論文亦逐一臚列,藉以開展出對於中斷締約責任損害賠償範圍之進一步分析研究。 本論文第四章為「中斷締約責任之比較法研究」,研究各該不同法系、不同國家之中斷締約責任,包括責任成立基礎、責任定性、損害賠償範圍…等。我國對於締約上過失理論之研究起源於德國法,該理論於德國發展之程度較我國深遠,故其對於中斷締約責任損害賠償範圍之見解,殊值參考。而深受德國法影響的大陸法系,對於現代複雜多元化之交易模式,於中斷締約時應如何認定其損害賠償,亦有許多與時俱進的看法,本論文一併介紹。至於英美法系處理此等問題之方式,向來與大陸法系大相逕庭,亦有討論之必要,尤其近日熱門的法律經濟分析,能為中斷締約責任損害賠償範圍之認定帶來何等影響,本論文於己力所能為之範圍內行文介紹。 本論文第五章為「再建構我國中斷締約責任之損害賠償範圍法制」,分別從我國侵權行為責任、民法第113條、民法第245條之1並第216條之配合,試圖從現行法中求得突破之方法,使中斷締約責任之損害賠償範圍不限於信賴利益,而有主張履行利益之可能。 第一,回歸契約責任與侵權責任之定性,今中斷締約之情形既尚未有契約締結,則理應先從「侵權責任」著手,而為我國侵權行為法一般原則之第184條第1項前段,向來被認為僅得據以請求「權利」之損害而不及於「利益」者,惟此見解於學說上已有突破而值得重新思考。申言之,中斷締約責任若欲成立侵權行為責任,首先須先確認中斷締約責任之「不法性」,吾人既承認締約中有依誠信原則協商之義務,則違反此義務而任意中斷締約者,即具有行為不法性;再者,近年來比較法上承認「純粹經濟上損失」為侵權行為保護客體之趨勢,使中斷締約責任中當事人所期待之契約利益,亦受侵權行為法之保護而可主張侵權責任。如此,即可不囿於契約責任下履行利益或信賴利益之窠臼,單純依因果關係認定何種損害乃肇因於該中斷締約之行為,而應給予填補。 第二,我國民法第113條對無效法律行為所制定之規範,學者向來認為該條為可被取代之冗文,惟其於實務之適用上卻從未缺席,則第113條是否因具有補充民法第245條之1不足之功能,而有發展之空間,本論文引述學者之見解探討之,分析其若適用於中斷締約責任所將面臨之問題,並試圖提出可供解決之方法。申言之,中斷締約責任若欲訴諸民法第113條請求非限於信賴利益之損害賠償,首先須承認法律規定之要件「法律行為無效」亦得類推適用於「契約不成立」之情形;再者,民法第113條未如第247條限制賠償權利人須「非因過失」,就此問題,似可適用民法第217條過失相抵原則解決之。 最後,回歸我國先契約責任之基本條文─民法第245條之1,嘗試依法律解釋方法,重新詮釋該條之解釋適用,使損害賠償範圍不限於字面上之「信賴利益」,蓋「信契約能成立致受損害」之用語,乃信賴「契約能成立」所致之「所有損害」,故當然包含信賴契約成立後所期待獲得之「履行利益」;並輔以我國損害賠償法原則─民法第216條,藉由因果關係理論中「法規目的說」之應用,據以認定中斷締約責任之損害賠償範圍,不應限於信賴利益,而應及於任何與中斷締約行為有因果關係之利益損害。 本論文第六章為「結論」,試圖將比較法上之見解借用於我國法制,如:信賴利益之損害賠償不以履行利益為上限、雙方締約意思已相當接近時可請求履行利益之損害賠償、按締約之不同階段認定不同之損害賠償範圍、契約責任中利益概念之重新詮釋、法律經濟分析…等。並嘗試提出修法芻議,民法第245條之1第1項似可修正為:「當事人為準備或商議訂立契約而有下列情形之一者,對於因此受有損害之他方當事人,負賠償責任:一、違背誠實及信用方法進行協商者。二、違背誠實及信用方法中斷締約者。」最後為本論文做出總結。


The First Chapter is “Preface”, which raises the issues concerning pre-contractual liability, introduces the purpose and mechanism of research, and sets forth the structure of this thesis for readers’ convenience. Chapter Two discusses “Pre-contractual Liability Under Our Legal System and Relevant Issues”, in which the necessity and justification to protect pre-contractual liability is so confirmed by redefining the boundary of freedom of contract and contract justice. Our regulation concerning pre-contractual liability, i.e., Taiwan Civil Code Article 245-1 is also discussed in this chapter, in both perspectives of lecture and practice. This Article is under ardent debate in the scholarly field, in this regard, this thesis firstly points out the criticism pertaining to its criteria as well as the sequent legal effect, and then refers to relevant judicial decision made by the courts, to further explore the given issues. Chapter Three explores “The Compensation Scope of Pre-contractual Liability” which should be analyzed under the fundamental theory of compensation law. In our system of compensation law, to determine the scope of compensation, the first significant step is to define the concept of “Loss”; therefore, the way to define the losses incurred from failed negotiations, to categorize them and so as to claim the compensation for them are also discussed in this thesis. The existing regulations and judicial practices are not of capability to deal with these issues, so some scholars have made their efforts and come up with several theories to solve the problems. This thesis aligns with these valuable theories and further explores them. In Chapter Four, this thesis refers to the study of pre-contractual liability under different jurisdictions and legal systems, to discuss the establishing basis, general nature and compensation scope of pre-contractual liability, etc. Whereas study regarding pre-contractual liability and culpa in contrahendo in Taiwan derives from the abundant resources of Germany, the opinions of German scholar and practice are worthy of reference. Moreover, under Continent legal system, which has been deeply and widely influenced by German law, there are also timely thoughts in relation to compensation for failed negotiations of modern trade patterns. As to how these issues are solved under Anglo-American legal system, which is believed to be much diversified than Continent legal system, this thesis leverages the introduction of some novel theories, such as economic analysis of law, with expectation to provide with an insight into these issues. Chapter Five “Rebuild the Pre-contractual Liability under Taiwan Compensation Law System”, in which Taiwan civil legal system is discussed, including tort law, Taiwan Civil Code Article 113, Article 245-1 and Article 216, in order to reflect our solutions toward pre-contractual liability issues, and make efforts to break through the fence of compensation scope, which is said to be limited to only reliance interests, to cover performance interests as well. In Chapter Six “Conclusion”, opinions under comparative law are borrowed to our legal system, for instances, the amount of performance interests does not serve as a cap of compensation for lost reliance interests, compensation for performance interests is allowed in the circumstance where parties are close to conclude a contract, redefinition of interest conception under contractual liability, economic analysis of law, etc. The proposed amendment of Article 245-1: “One of the parties is responsible for the injury caused to the other party who believed in the constitution of the contract when he, in order to prepare or negotiate for the contract, has done either of the following: (1) Conducted the negotiation contrary to good faith; (2) Broken the negotiation contrary to good faith.”




