  • 學位論文


The research on the problem solving of the group leaders of different sexes-Take the group leaders of the group of domastic violence abuser as example

指導教授 : 柯志恩


在台灣,團體諮商是婚暴加害人處遇方案中,加害人最常被裁定的處遇,而在團體中,帶領者對團體「衝突」如何處理則對於諮商效能則具有關鍵性的影響。從過去的研究可以發現「問題解決」和「衝突的因應與處理」有著密不可分的關係,而在婚暴加害人團體中,性別議題是最常引發衝突的議題,帶領者的「性別」也決定其會如何處理「衝突」。因此本研究旨在探討不同性別的婚暴加害人團體帶領者在因應衝突挑戰時之問題解決的情況與其異同,以半結構式的訪談大綱,透過質性研究之深度訪談法,,對六位男性婚暴加害人團體帶領者與六位女性婚暴加害人團體帶領者進行訪談,並參考問題解決內涵分類表進行分析,期能了解男性和女性婚暴加害人團體帶領者因應處理衝突之問題解決與其異同,以提供婚暴加害人團體帶領者專業效能發展之參考。研究結果統整出男性與女性婚暴加害人團體帶領者之因應衝突挑戰之問題解決比較表和如下「四個向度」: 一、 切入角度:男性帶領者較關注自我評價,女性帶領者則較關注對自我的影響;理解成員議題的方式則是最大的差異點 二、 情緒強度:女性帶領者在面對成員之衝突挑戰時,所受之情緒衝擊較男性帶領者大;成員感受到之情緒反應,女性帶領者亦較男性帶領者為大 三、 彈性度:在遭遇困難時,男性帶領者所展現出來的行動彈性較女性帶領者小,但其事先規劃能力較強;而在策略的轉換使用上,則男性帶領者較女性帶領者大 四、 經驗影響程度:隨著經驗的累積,女性帶領者能夠提昇自己在衝突挑戰中的穩定度;男性帶領者則隨著經驗的累積,能夠擴展自己理解和處理成員衝突挑戰的面向,但也容易受到經驗影響,而產生經驗偏誤 最後研究者根據研究結果提出數點建議,提供婚暴加害人團體帶領者在專業成長與訓練之參考


In the treatment plan of the abusers in domestic violence are often treated by joining group counseling in Taiwan. How the leader deals with conflict in the group is the most influential.Based on the reported researches,the way of dealing conflict is strongly connected to problem solving. The way of dealing conflict is strongly related to problem solving.The sexual issue frequently lead to conflict in the group of domestic violence abuser, and leader’s gender decide how it to deal conflict. Therefore the purpose of this research is to explore the different of sexes of the group leader of domestic violence abuser when coping with problem solving among dealing of conflict. It uses semi-structured as guideline, through quality research based on in- depth interviewing to interview six male and six female group leader of domestic violence abuser; analyze based on the problem solving chart. Discover and comprehend the different between male and female group leader when coping with conflict, which can further provide professional recommendations to the development of the group counseling of domestic violence abuser. The research result consists of four points: I. Angle: Male group leader more care self-evaluation, whereas female group leader more focus self-effect. The biggest difference is whom grasp munber’issue. II. Emotions: Female group leader are emotionally influenced by conflict more than male group leader. Members feel emotion reflect for female group leader that is stronger than male. III. Flexibility: When experience difficult, male group leader is less flexibility in dealing than female, but stronger in plan ability. When change to use plan, male group leader is more flexibility than female. IV. Experience: When experience is accumulated, Female group leader can more and more steady to dealing conflict, and male group leader can expand itself to understand and processes the member to conflict challenge facing, but whom is must keep of the heuristics miss. Finally, The thesis provides a few suggestions based on the research results, which assist the group leader of domestic violence abuser in professional development and training.


