  • 學位論文


The Relationship among High School Students' Motives to Attend Sports Clubs, Academic Pressure, and procrastination

指導教授 : 張鈿富


本研究的主要目的在於了解高中生升學壓力、課業延宕與運動參與動機關係,透過高中生參與運動性社團以及學習成效的差異進行探討,所得結果可供大臺北地區公立高中教育人員、行政人員及家長參考。 本研究透過文獻探討後,採問卷調查法,使用研究者自編之「高中生升學壓力、課業延宕與運動參與之關係研究調查問卷」為研究工具,共發出問卷520份,回收問卷數514份,有效樣本數512份,有效問卷比率為98.4%。並將研究結果透過平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、迴歸分析,將所得資料加以分析與討論。綜合分析討論後,歸納出以下主要發現: 一、運動社團參與以男同學居多,由此可知男同學較女同學還熱愛參與運動性社團。 二、而學生的家長對子女教養態度方面,以「開明權威(高要求高反應-民主式)」最多。 三、在學生參與運動社團時間,選擇三學期及四學期同學超過半數。 四、運動社團參與動機以「社會支持」的動機最強。 五、在升學壓力現況分析中學生只在「自我因素」較高。 六、性別在升學壓力上的差異情形在「家庭因素」壓力方面,男同學壓力顯著高於女同學。 七、在課業延宕現況分析學生在「課業延宕」中,多數同學不認為有課業延宕現象。 八、不同參與運動社團時間的學生,在「整體升學壓力」與「課業延宕」上皆無顯著的差異存在。 九、不同家庭經濟狀況的學生在「整體升學壓力」與「課業延宕」上皆無顯著的差異存在。


This research aims to determine the relationships of high school students’ academic pressure, academic procrastination, and their tendency for the sports clubs. This investigation considers how sports clubs will affect the academic performance. The finding could offer the educational practitioners for a better program design. This research has been proceeded on a survey, along with the related document. A total of 520 questionnaire have been issued, while 514 copies are recollected and 512 copies of them are valid. The response rate is 98.4%. By using standard deviation, independent sample test, and linear regression model, the study analyzed annd interpreted thedata. The findings are listed as follows. 1. Gender is an affective variable for the attendance of sports clubs. More male students sign up for athletic activities than femals students do. 2. As for those students who attend sports more, their parents tend to keep a highly democratic attitude. 3. More than half of students keep attending sports clubs for three or four semesters, which is a long time in their high school campus life. 4. “Social support” is an important variable to urge students’ participating in sorts clubs. 5. High self-demanding speaks loudly in students’ academic performance. 6. Male studnets face more inquiries from their families in acedemic pressure, rather than female students do. 7. Most students don’t think of academic procrastination as a serious issue, if they have attended any sports clubs. 8. The time to attend the clubs activities makes no many differences to the students. 9. In the variables of “overall academic pressure” and “acedemic procrastination”, studnets of different social-economic families perform roughly well.


