  • 學位論文


A Qualitative Study of Career Development Status and Needs of College Student-Athletes in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林淑萍


本研究旨在探討大專學生運動員的生涯發展,主要目的在了解其大學階段生涯發展狀況、生涯輔導需求以及影響生涯發展的相關因素。 為深入了解大專學生運動員的生涯發展狀況及生涯輔導需求,本研究採用質性研究的訪談方式,以八位就讀於北部競技運動相關科系且參與公開組競賽的大三、大四學生為訪談對象,最後經由研究者的理解,分析整理詮釋大專學生運動員的生涯發展議題。 研究結果如下: 一、生涯發展狀況 1.運動訓練與運動成績,為大專學生運動員的第一優先。生涯探索與準備為其次,甚至暫時擱置。 2.依然以教練或體育老師為生涯嚮往,絕大多數未作第二專長的探索與培養。 3.考上研究所(運動競技類)的學生運動員,以運動成績為目標,同時也作為未來就業的籌碼,因而延後生涯準備的時間。 4.失去運動目標的學生運動員,以打工途徑作生涯探索。但這並不是他們未來的生涯嚮往。如果有機會當教練的話,這是他們「沒有選擇的最佳選擇」。 5.對大專學生運動員來說,要發展第二專長,對非運動相關領域進行生涯探索要比一般學生要多花更多的時間與精力。 6.普遍來說,職涯準備並不主動積極,呈現無力與無奈的狀態。在這過程中,有著情緒上的心理議題。 7.生涯探索與規劃能力上,因運動員角色認同、非運動經驗的狹隘以及生涯阻隔的推拉力阻礙而停滯。 二、影響生涯發展相關因素 1.父母:不反對運動生涯歷程,但同時也沒引導運動員有不同的生涯探索 2.運動制度與文化:以「運動為優先」、以「集體為優先」的制度與文化,形塑了運動員單一路徑的生涯發展。 3.因應能力:面對生涯阻隔,正向積極因應能力的學生生涯探索程度較高 三、生涯輔導需求 1.單一路徑生涯發展,形塑強烈的運動員角色認同 2.投注長詩間與精力在運動訓練上,排擠非運動經驗的發展 3.生涯阻隔的推拉力引發不同的情緒議題,影響生涯探索的發展 4.生涯探索上自我認同議題:「除了運動,我不知道能做什麼」。 5.生涯探索上的情緒議題:無力,「我沒有選擇」 6.生涯探索、生涯規劃、生涯安置能力的培養 四、生涯輔導方向 1.探索生涯阻隔的情緒經驗:挫折、怨懟、恐慌、茫然、無力 2.釐清並因應環境中的限制:專長訓練與自我的平衡 3.以能力而非角色評估自我,並轉換成職業能力 4.提供符合學生運動員能力、特質的職業資訊網以及生涯進路 5.協助其作生涯規劃與生涯安置能力,如履歷表、面試等。 最後,根據研究結果提出具體建議,以應用大專學生運動員的生涯規劃及發展,並提供後續研究之參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore the career development of College Student-Athletes, including the status, needs and influencing factors on their career development. Qualitative research method was utilized for a more in depth understanding on the career development status and needs of College Student-Athletes. A total of eight junior or senior college students with sports major were selected as interviewees for the research. After comprehensive study on all research data, the researcher organized the results and identified issues of student-athletes career development in this essay. According to the study result, the conclusions were as follows: 1.Career Development (1)Athletic training and accomplishment are the priority for college student-athletes. Career exploring and planning come in second, or sometimes even be put on hold. (2)Coach and physical teacher are the most thought after career choices by student-athletes. Most of them do not explore and prepare for a second professional skill. (3)Athletic accomplishment is the first goal for graduate school student-athletes. Having a graduate school degree is view as an advantage for future employment; however it also results into delay in career development. (4)Student-athletes that were burn out still look forward to becoming a coach. (5)Developing a second professional skill is harder for the college student-athlete than other students. (6)Emotion issue effects career development. (7)Stagnation occur in career exploring and planning ability, due to Athlete’s identity issue, illiberality of non-sport experience and the〝Push and Pull〞factor of career barriers. 2.Influencing Factors for career development (1) Parents: Agree with children's joining sport-career, but fail to guide them to explore in different career option. (2) Sport culture: the mindset of “sport first” and “group first” encourages athlete’s single-path career development. (3)Coping: students with positive coping attitude are more likely for career exploring, especially when facing career barrier. 3.Career development issue and needs (1) Single-path career development cause strong athletic identity issue. (2) Student-athletes invest great amount of time and energy in training, but it also limited their time on non-sports living experiences. (3)〝Push and Pull〞factor of career barriers lead to emotional issue, and effects the career maturity. (4) Identity issue: I don't know what else to do except for working in athletic field. (5) Emotional issue: I have no other choice. (6) The ability of career exploration, career planning and career preparation Finally, future research suggestions and practical implications were provided according to the study results.


田秀蘭(1998)。我國大專學生生涯決定問題分類系統之研究。行政院國科會專題研究計畫成果報告(NSC 87-2413-H-153-004)。
李建興(2009)。我國競技運動選手培訓與生涯照顧體制之研究-策略思維觀點。思與言:人文與社會科學雜誌, 47,1。


