  • 學位論文


Business Model Innovation - A Case Study of Electric and Machinery Construction Company

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇 趙莊敏


在傳統建築工程中,機電系統由於在施工階段常因為缺乏界面整合,造成施工程序紊亂,使整體工期與品質受到影響。又面對市場競爭激烈、利潤空間緊縮、國際機電工程服務限制放寬以及節能減碳需求考量等不利因素,能否藉由商業模式的創新以幫助企業提升競爭力並創造更多利潤,是為本研究之動機。 本研究由企業競爭策略、產業價值鏈分析,針對機電工程商業模式以及生命週期進行分析與探討,整理出機電工程產業的特性,探討商業模式創新並進行比較分析。本研究係以Osterwalder and Pigneur(2010)的商業模式為架構,採用質性研究方法,商業模式創新探討將依目標客層、價值主張、通路、顧客關係、收益流、關鍵資源、關鍵活動、關鍵合作夥伴以及成本結構等面向進行討論,以釐清機電工程服務創新價值傳遞鏈對於客戶價值主張之檢驗,建立商業模式創新並分析營運績效。 研究結果顯示,透過專家訪談及案例分析所建立的創新價值主張:「如期如質、共創雙贏」,可以為個案公司帶來全新的營運模式與豐厚的營收績效。首先在加強組織管理部分,結合工務部、業務部、採購部以及BIM中心資源,由機電工程生命週期的初步階段即導入數位資訊工具,可以提高機電工程進行中的效率並大量降低風險。BIM技術導入對於以3D模型視覺化呈現,以參數來描述建築空間,將複雜的組織視覺化,精確表達空間資訊,降低建築師與業主之間雙方認知上的誤差,進而節省大量溝通和施工作業的時間。以機電工程商業模式創新進行效益分析結果可以了解,基於個案公司與業主雙贏原則,本研究建議機電工程產業應積極發展商業模式創新,以擺脫獲利緊縮的束縛,並且擁有持續之競爭優勢。


Building Information Modeling, and Innovation of Business Model The situations of construction program disorder, unreasonable space allocation and project delay were caused due to less interface integration and poor quality controlled in overall construction schedule. The qualified electromechanical system designed has to integrate these kinds of characters including pipeline configuration, equipment installation and well designed for space construction. The innovation of business model for mechanical and electrical engineering industries would be helped to get the leading priority and create more profits for globalization industry competition. In this study, the agenda would be discussed and analyzed as well as corporate strategy, value chain analysis, business models and life cycle for mechanical and electrical engineering. The results indicated that the innovation of business model was being created due to the transfer of value proposition between the customers and the company, which would be examined in serious of methods. These systematic methods were established by (Osterwalder 2010) with nine elements which included Target customer segments value proposition , channels , customer relationships, revenue streams ,key resource ,key activities ,key partners ,and cost structure. The results of this study indicated that the innovation of business model were started with organization management and the importation of BIM technology which were served as new value proposition, The first part of new value proposition was revealed to be the organization management which created a new mechanism combined the duties of public works department, business department, purchasing department and BIM center to reduce the risk of construction life cycle by imported the digital tool in the first stage. The other parts of value proposition were the importation of BIM technology, which is a data-rich, object-oriented, intelligent and parametric digital representation of facilities. It would be helpful to reduce the distance of cognitive between the owner and the architects. Moreover, it would be more efficiency in the situations of communication and drawing modified. This study successfully established the innovation of business model for mechanical and electrical engineering Company due to the benefit analysis of case study.


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