  • 學位論文


A study of the entrepreneurial capacity in department of cosmetology in technological colleges/universities

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究旨在探討技術校院美容系科之創業能力。本研究首先透過文獻探討以作為本研究之理論基礎;其次,利用文件分析法,分析歸納技術校院美容系科之課程,然後針對各類型美容事業創業者進行訪談,找出美容事業創業能力要項,以編製科目-能力對照之調查問卷,最後提出相對應之創業課程及建議。 本研究樣本分為二個部分,在訪談部分係以立意抽樣方法,訪談髮型設計師、護膚美容師、整體造型師、美體芳療師、新娘秘書及美甲師等12位創業者,分析歸納出美容事業創業所應具備之能力;再運用專家調查法,利用研究者自編的「科目-能力對照」調查表作為工具,進行資料蒐集,針對10所技術校院美容系科62位教師發出350份調查表,回收有效樣本298份,有效回收率達85%,回收資料經統計分析後,獲得以下結論: 一、美容事業創業應具備之創業能力,有專業能力62項、新創能力49 項及管理能力41項等能力。 二、技術校院美容系科在培養專業能力的課程規劃上,認知部份宜規劃在低年級課程內容,技能部份則宜規劃在高年級,依據學生興趣及未來欲創業類型選修之。 三、技術校院美容系科在培養新創能力的課程規劃上,人格特質部份宜融入在低年級課程中培養,創業歷程規劃則宜在高年級開設獨立課程。 四、技術校院美容系科在培養管理能力的課程規劃上,創業精神之培育宜規劃在低年級課程,管理課程則宜規劃在高年級,讓欲創業學生學習組織管理。 五、技術校院美容相關科系在創業教育未來課程規劃上,建議以模組或學程的方式規劃課程。 六、本研究結果可提供美容技職教育相關單位創業課程規劃、評鑑教學內涵及教師擬定教學內容之參考。


The purpose of this research is to explore the study of the entrepreneurial capacity in cosmetological relation department in technological colleges/universities. First, this study applied the literature review as the theoretical basis for the research. Next, we used documentary analysis to generalize the curriculum of cosmetology relation department in technological colleges/universities. Then, according to the interviews with various types of the entrepreneurs in the beauty industry, we found out the key elements of the entrepreneurial capacity. Last, based on the key elements, we proposed the suggested curriculum. The research sampling is divided into two sessions. The purposive sampling is applied to interview session. Interviewing with 12 entrepreneurs including hair designers, skin-care beauticians, whole modeling designers, aromatherapists, wedding secretaries, and nail professionals, this study analyzes and concludes the required capabilities in order to start a beauty enterprise. Then, through survey, 350 questionnaires targeting 62 beauty-related departments faculty in 10 technological colleges/universities were distributed to collect the information as a research instrument. 298 effective questionnaires were received with an effective response rate up to 85%. After the data was statistically analyzed, the conclusions were in the following: 1. The required capabilities of establishing a beauty enterprise include 62 professional ability items, 49 entrepreneurship ability items and 41 management ability items. 2. The curriculum to develop professional ability are planned as follows: The cognition courses are suggested to plan for lower graders, while technical courses are suggested to plan for higher graders. Students were able to take an elective course according to their interests and types of business which they expect to establish in the future. 3. The curriculum to develop entrepreneurial ability are planned as follows: The curriculum to cultivate personal characteristics should be integrated into lower grade curriculum while the course of starting an enterprise should be planned for higher grades as independent curriculum. 4. The curriculum to develop management ability are planned as follows: The development of entrepreneurship should be integrated into the courses for lower graders, while the management courses are suggested to plan for higher graders, enabling students to learn the organizational management. 5. When it comes to future entrepreneurial education planning in the department of cosmetology in technological colleges/universities, course modules or programs should be planned as part of curriculum. 6. The above study results can be used as a reference to establish an enterprise, evaluate teaching quality, and design teaching content for the organizations of beauty- technical and vocational education.




