  • 學位論文


The Spatial Planning of Commuity Parks for Earthquake Disaster Prevention

指導教授 : 施邦築


因應地震災害頻傳,若妥善運用社區公園,將可大大降低震災時所產生的人員財產損失,但當今的社區公園設計多以提供休憩使用為主要目標,如何使社區內公園配置符合救災圈域規模及社區防災需求,公園內的防災設施又能兼顧整體景觀及設施的耐用度,實有必要針對社區公園訂定防災空間與設施之設計標準與計算模式,此乃本研究重點。 本文透過文獻回顧法歸納出防災公園規劃設計流程共分為五大類49項細項之工作準則,包含基本資料調查階段、分析檢討階段、空間配置階段、設施配置階段、營運宣導階段五大部分。並可藉由案例分析法發現,目前台北市或其他地區之防災公園均因欠缺對於人口規模的考量,顯示出現有避難空間容量不足及防災設施缺乏的問題。同時,經由實證研究方式得知,防災公園應於設計初期即納入防災機能,相關設施規模也必須分析劃定防災避難圈內之人口分佈狀況及周邊基地形態,並以社區鄰里為單元,在規劃設計社區公園時,將防災空間需求與防災設施融入景觀的整體性,並兼具設施的耐用性與多元使用;於震災發生時,也可配合災害時序進行空間設施調整以及防災分區規劃,而非單是以地區人口數多寡或公園綠地面積大小作為認定區域對防災公園需求度及指定公園防災機能的標準。


社區公園 防災 規劃設計 地震 實證研究


Responses to earthquake disasters have happened frequently. If used community parks appropriately, it could greatly reduce damages of people and properties while an earthquake happened. Nevertheless, most community parks have mainly designed to provide for leisure using nowadays. The configuration of community parks how to be fit for the scope of the disaster relief area and the request of community disaster prevention, as well as disaster prevention facilities in the parks are suited with durability and whole landscape. Thus to establish design standards and computing models of disaster prevention spaces of community parks are necessary, which the focus of this research. This study was researched via the literature review method to generalize the planning and design processes of disaster prevention park. They are divided into five categories and forty nine items of work standards. The five categories are included the basic information invastigating stage, the analysing stage, the spaces configurating stage, the facilities setting stage and the operating/promoting stage. Via cases analysis had found disaster prevention parks in Taipei City and other regions are lacked consideration to the sacle of population. Therefore the problems are both insufficent in shelter spaces and lacking in facilties of disaster prevention. Simultaneously via the empirical research method had found that founctions of disaster prevention should be bring in the primary design stage of disaster prevention parks, and the scope of facilities should base on population of the designed disaster shelter region and the environmental conditions around the region. Using community-neighbourhood as a unit to plan and design a community park that the equipments of shelter spaces and disaster prevention facilities have been integrating into the landscape, as well as the facilities have durability and multiple use. The standards of requirements and functions of disaster prevention parks have established by coordination of the disaster diverse timing to adjust facilities spaces and disaster zoning during an earthquake disaster, not only consider how many populations or how big the park is.


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