  • 學位論文

應用PZB模式探討術後病人自控式止痛之服務品質 --以北部某醫學中心為例

The study of the service quality of patient-controlled analgesia by application with PZB model

指導教授 : 陳大樑
共同指導教授 : 林佳靜(Chia-Chin Lin)


本研究旨在以PZ B模式 ( Parasuraman, Zeithmal, & Berry model, 1985 ) 及其修改後的SERVQUAL結構式量表作為問卷工具,藉由服務品質構面中的有形性、可靠性、回應性、保證性與關懷性,於2010年5月至2010年10月間調查北部某醫學中心110位麻醉部醫護人員對其所提供的「靜脈術後病人自控式止痛」服務品質滿意度之自評,與評值術後使用「靜脈術後病人自控式止痛」的110位病人之服務品質滿意度,並了解其期望與認知程度之差異,及病人滿意度對忠誠行為的影響。利用t-test、paired t-test及ANOVA分析各服務品質差異,和利用重要性-績效分析法探討服務品質的迫切改善項目。結果顯示醫護人員與病人其期望高於認知程度並有顯著差異,醫護人員與病人之滿意度皆呈現負落差的不滿意服務品質,病人的滿意度與忠誠度呈現正相關。依重要性-績效性分析之象限建議,作資源的重新分配,以符合醫護人員與病人的期望與實際需求,並改善服務品質,以提昇滿意度。


The purpose of this study was to assess the survice quality of inpatient with intravenous patient-controlled analgesia ( IV-PCA ) and applied with PZB ( 1985 ) gap analysis model by the five service quality dimensions of tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy. This study used a cross-sectional study design with a modified scale of service quality questionnaire ( SERVQUAL ) as a structured questionnaire. A total of 110 pairs of medical staff of Department of Anesthesiology and inpatients with IV-PCA at a medical center in North Taiwan were recruited from May to October 2010. The quality of self-assessment in health care service provider, and quality of patients received health service to confirm the service satisfaction and loyalty behavior of patients. Statistical methods were used t-test, paired t-test and ANOVA analysis to test the quality of service differences, and used importance-performance analysis of service quality in urgent improvement projects. The results showed that a statistically significant difference of satisfaction between medical staff and patients, in addition, patient’s satisfaction was significantly positively related with loyalty. This study suggests service provider depends on the result of importance-performance analysis of the quadrant to redistribute human resources to improve service quality and satisfaction.


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