  • 學位論文


The Development of the Concept of Oil Painting Restoration in Taiwan

指導教授 : 廖仁義


此篇論文研究臺灣油畫修復的歷史與觀念史。對臺灣而言,油畫與油畫修復都是外來的媒材與技術,油畫創作活動始於1920年代,油畫修復活動的記載則始於1960年代。1920年至1960年之間,臺灣或許已存在油畫修補活動,追溯此活動開始的背景,探討其是否受到早期油畫學習環境影響,是本文最初的動機。而探討此活動如何轉變至修復活動,轉變過程中人們如何思考油畫修復的作法與效益,則構成本文探討油畫修復觀念的動機。   因此,本文最先關心的是早期臺灣畫家學習油畫的背景與環境,修補與修復油畫作品的需求源於何處,何時開始?而油畫修復活動增加的年代,哪些人、什麼事影響油畫修復成為必要的發展?又修復持續發展的過程中,受到哪些外部思潮與內部因素影響?呈現何種階段性觀念與特點?依此,全文分作六章。第一章說明油畫修復歷史與觀念史研究的方向。第二章與第三章作為背景對照,回溯西洋油畫修復史,與油畫修復觀念轉變進程。第四章則從1930年開始,回溯臺灣油畫作品的修補、修復情形,探討油畫修復觀念的起源。第五章接續研究1991年至今,臺灣油畫修復發展情形,與油畫修復觀念發展的概況。最後,第六章總結第四章與第五章成果,提出此歷史研究的性質,與臺灣油畫修復發展的特質。   目前,本文提出臺灣油畫修復發展的關鍵在1960年代與1990年代。1960年以前存在修補活動,1961年至1990年之間,逐漸出現修復的觀念;1991年開始,修復實務逐漸落實,2000年以後則出現修護的觀念。修補、修復與修護在臺灣的環境中實際存在著混淆,本文期望透過客觀的追溯,釐清此情形與臺灣美術發展的關係,並忠實呈現史實,檢視與理解不同時代的修復環境與觀念。


This paper examines the history and concept history of oil painting restoration in Taiwan. For Taiwan, oil painting and oil painting restoration are foreign mediums and techniques; oil painting creation began in the 1920s, while records show that oil painting restoration began in the 1960s. Taiwan may have begun oil repair between 1920 and 1960. The initial motive of this paper is to trace the background of oil repair and explore whether it was affected by the early oil painting learning environment. This paper also examines how oil repair transformed to restoration, as well as how people thought about the practices and benefits of oil painting restoration during the transformation process. This serves as the motive of exploring the concept of oil painting restoration in this paper.   Thus, this paper first examines the background and environment of Taiwanese painters learning oil painting. Where did the demand for oil painting repair and restoration come from? When did it begin? And when restoration began to gain popularity, which people and what events influenced oil painting restoration, making it a necessary development? Which external thoughts and internal factors influenced the continued development of restoration? What phases of concept and characteristics were formed? Therefore, the full text is divided into six chapters. The first chapter explains the research direction of the history and concept history of oil painting restoration. The second and third chapters serve as background comparisons, tracing Western oil painting restoration and the transitional process of oil painting restoration concepts. The fourth chapter starts with the year 1930, tracing the repair and restoration of Taiwanese oil paintings, exploring the source of oil painting restoration concepts. The fifth chapter conducts research starting from 1991, probing into the development situation of oil painting restoration in Taiwan, as well as the development of oil painting restoration concepts. Finally, the sixth chapter concludes the results of the fourth and fifth chapters, raising the characteristics of historical research and the development of oil restoration in Taiwan.   Currently, this paper states that the key development of oil painting restoration in Taiwan lay in the 1960s and 1990s. Repair existed before 1960. Oil painting restoration concepts began to form from 1961 to 1990. Restoration practices were gradually implemented starting from 1991, and the concept of conservation emerged after 2000. There is confusion regarding repair, restoration, and conservation in the environment of Taiwan. Through objective retrospection, this paper serves to clarify the relationship between this situation and the development of Taiwanese art, presenting historical facts while examining and understanding the environments and concepts of restoration during different time periods.


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