  • 學位論文


To Examine the Relation between Psychological Distress and Intention to Leave the Jobs among Nurses Who Were Bullied in the Workplace

指導教授 : 黃芷苓
共同指導教授 : 馬淑清


背景:過去研究顯示在醫療照護體系的發生率高於其他職業,其中又以護理人員最常遭遇職場霸凌,護理人員長期處於霸凌的工作環境下,可能產生生理、心理、社會的困擾。目前研究護理職場霸凌相關的主題缺乏對親身遭遇職場霸凌護理人員在心理健康狀態與其離職意圖相關的探討。 目的:本研究目的在探討護理人員親身遭遇職場霸凌後的心理健康困擾及離職意圖之相關性。 方法:本研究採次級資料分析法,採橫斷式相關性研究設計,使用結構式問卷進行資料收集,以南部某醫學中心、區域教學醫院及地區教學醫院的臨床照護之護理人員為研究對象,問卷包括人口學因素、職場霸凌行為、心理健康困擾、離職意圖。統計方法將採用SPSS for Windows20套裝統計軟體進行資料分析,含描述性統計:次數、百分比、平均數、標準差;推論性統計:獨立樣本T檢定、皮爾森相關檢定分析。 結果: 157位親身遭遇職場霸凌護理人員在整體職場霸凌分數為1.52分(±0.47),三個構面得分分別為:「工作相關霸凌」整體平均得分為1.53(±0.52);「人身攻擊霸凌」為1.53(±0.52) ;「身體恐嚇型式霸凌」為1.47(±0.44)。在22個職場霸凌行為題項中,得分前五名的行為「生氣時對我大聲咆哮或把我當成出氣筒」、「譏諷或羞辱我的工作」、「有人會散佈關於我的謠言」、「刻意忽略我的意見或看法」、「對我視若無睹或把我當成空氣」。遭遇職場霸凌的護理人員有47.1%有心理困擾,進一步分析遭遇職場霸凌的護理人員其學歷、能力進階層級與遭遇職場霸凌行為有差異,年齡、目前醫院工作總年資、護理工作總年資與遭遇職場霸凌行為有顯著關係。職場霸凌行為與心理健康困擾達統計顯著的正相關,職場霸凌行為與離職傾向以及心理健康困擾與離職傾向未達統計顯著性。 結論:研究結果建議醫院管理者應營造和諧的工作關係以減少職場霸凌行為,藉由有效的溝通模式、以及訂定職場霸凌通報機制及關懷遭遇職場霸凌者和提供諮商輔導機制,以達到營造職場正向的工作環境。


Background: Previous studies showed that the percent of workplace bullying in medical field is higher than other occupation. Moreover, the bullying of nursing workplaces is the highest percent. Nurses who suffered from bullying usually experienced great physiological, psychological and social distress. It is lack of a study to examine the correlation between psychological distress and intent to leave the jobs among nurses who were ever bullied in the workplace. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the relation between psychological distress and intent to leave the jobs among nurses who were bullied in the workplace. Methods: This study was the secondary data analysis. It is of the existing data band. The study used a descriptive, correlation, and cross-sectional design. The study was conducted in the southern medical centers, regional teaching hospital and regional teaching hospital. Data has been collected by using a structured questionnaire, including demographics, Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised (NAQ-R), 5-item Brief Symptom Rating Scale (BSRS-5), and Intent-to Leave Scale (ILS).The SPSS for window 20 Chinese version was used to analyze data. The statistics included descriptive statistics (frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation), and inferential statistics( t-test, and Pearson’s correlation). Results: The average score on workplace bullying scale for the 157subjects was 1.52 ±0.47. The means of three subscale scores (work-related bullying, person-related bullying, physically intimidating bullying) were 1.53 ±0.52, 1.53 ±0.52, and 1.47 ±0.44, respectively. The top five bullying behaviors were: (1) being shouted at or being the target of spontaneous anger, (2) work being ridiculed, (3) being gossiped about, (4)opinions and view ignored, and (5) being ignored at work or being treated like air. Over forty-seven percent of the nurses who were bullied in the workplace had psychological distress. Factors affecting workplace bullying included level of education, level of the clinical ladder, age, years of service at current institution, total years of service in the nursing profession. There is a significantly positive relationship between workplace bullying and psychological distress. But there are not statistical relations between workplace bullying and intent to leave, as well as psychological distress and intent to leave. Conclusions: The finding of the study suggested that hospital administrators should create a harmonious working relationship in order to reduce workplace bullying, through establishing effective communication, setting up workplace bullying notification mechanism, caring who were experienced workplace bullying, and providing counseling to build a positive working environment.


關因素研究.護理雜誌,57 (2),61-69。doi:10.6224/JN.57.2.61
