  • 學位論文


Technical Translation from English to Chinese: Archery: Steps to Success as A Case Study

指導教授 : 李恭蔚


摘要 射箭是一種具有長久歷史的運動,台灣對於此運動之推動不餘遺力,但目前市面上並無較具有系統性的教學書籍。筆者於偶然機會下接觸到《射箭:邁向成功之路》一書,發現該書的內容安排非常完善,但卻尚未有中譯本,因而興起筆者翻譯此書之念。在整個翻譯過程中,筆者也發現其中有許多翻譯問題,因此筆者利用Lawrence Venuti的歸化與異化翻譯策略,以及Christiane Nord的功能翻譯理論做理論基礎,並採用比較模式做為分析模式之主要架構,對於原文與筆者之譯文進行分析。筆者之譯文比較模式共可分為四部分,依序分別為英文原文、筆者之初譯、筆者之再譯與筆者評析。而筆者評析的重點有二,一是研究翻譯策略如何解決翻譯問題。二是探討翻譯策略包含的翻譯理論。經由上述之探討分析,當可歸納出數種解決翻譯問題之對策,供其他譯者實作時之參考。


射箭 歸化 異化 功能翻譯 比較模式


Abstract Archery is a sport with long history, and Taiwan has developed this sport for many years. However, there are few well-organized archery teaching manuals in the market. The author finds a very useful book which named Archery: Steps to Success. It has a systematic arrangement in archery teaching, but currently finds no Chinese version in Taiwan. In considering promoting archery to more people and analyzing the process of technical translation, this study uses Lawrence Ventuti’s foreignization and domestication translation strategies and Chrsitiane Nord’s functional transition theory as the theoretical basis to form an analysis mode. The author uses a comparative model for analyzing different translation versions. The mode is divided into four parts. The first one is the source text, and the second one is the unpolished translation. In the third part is the revised version of translation. And the last one is the analysis. The goals of the analysis are finding the functions and theoretical basis in translation strategies. This mode can act as the reference to other translators in their practice.


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