  • 學位論文

企業導入知識管理系統之評估模式研究 —評估因素及評估程序之觀點

A Research of Pre-stage Assessment Model When Implementing the Knowledge Management System (KMS) – Assessment Perspective of Critical Factor and Process Analyses

指導教授 : 嚴奇峰


二十一世紀是知識經濟主導的時代,導入KMS轉型為知識企業,對國內多數企業-尤其是以製造為主的中小企業,已是一個必須嚴正面對的課題。因此,如何協助企業藉由完整的評估方法與模式,以瞭解建立該系統之目的、關鍵因素、組織狀態及可採取的策略作法等,將有助於奠定成功導入KMS的基礎。 為此,本研究結合學術理論、顧問實務、個案訪談與實作等方式,以評估因素與評估程序的觀點,並經研究結果修正以建立評估模式,包括「策略評估」、「KMS策略評估」、「導入構面評估」、「KMS導入設計」與「KMS技術架構設計」五大構面。經實際操作,可歸納出主要結論是:1.「人員與組織」是企業導入KMS最關鍵的影響構面。2.進行關鍵性因素的自我評估有其必要性,但需控制評估的品質。3.名目團體法可輔以要素分析,可使評估結果更加完整。4.差距分析能促動認知覺醒與達成共識,並可發展相關的績效指標與目標值。5.「核心能力」應依個案的特性加以分類,並經充分溝通其定義,以確保評選核心能力的品質。6.依據不同產業型態,確實可以選擇其適用的主要KMS策略。7.隱性、顯性與外向整合的策略是有可能同時存在,並且交互運用的。8. 制度面設計必須切合「導入構面評估」的結果,充分掌握關鍵問題,由於制度設計沒有單一標準,需依個案特性來操作。9. KMS技術架構的設計係歸納「策略與導入構面評估」、「導入設計」的結果,選用相關類別的技術與工具,其可操作性較高。 綜合彙總分析,針對各種產業類型所適用不同KMS策略,發展相關命題如下:1. 依據產業類型的不同,可發展的KMS重點策略亦將有所差異。2. 隱性、顯性與外向整合策略等,可以分割、分階段逐步推動,並相互整合運作。3.企業本身知識複雜程度的高低,所採用隱性策略的重點將會不同。4.企業本身知識複雜程度的高低,所採用外向整合策略的重點將會有所不同。5.所處環境不確定性高的企業,需發展其快速回應的能力,採取「隱性策略」需著重培養個別員工獨立作業的能力,採取「顯性策略」則著重在資訊快速流通與整合。


The 21st Century is no doubt a “Knowledge-dominated” era, and the intangible knowledge will become to be the core asset/capital of most businesses. It is a serious and urgent issue for Taiwan businesses to implement Knowledge Management System (KMS), especially for small- and medium-sized businesses in nowadays. A recent survey shows the performance of knowledge management related activities in Taiwan businesses is still ambiguous in practice. The assistance to these businesses with a comprehensive concept of assessment model will be helpful to the success of KMS implementation. This research tries to combine the practical experiences, theoretical viewpoints and case studies, and establishes a pre-stage assessment model in an assessment perspective of critical factor and process analyses for Taiwan businesses when implementing KMS. After the case studies, the final assessment model will be including “SBU strategy assessment,” “KMS strategy assessment,” “KMS structure assessment,” “KMS structure design,” and “KMS technical structure design.” And the research concludes the following findings: (1) The Organization/Personnel is most critical construct when implementing the KMS. (2) The result of Critical Factory Analysis (CFA) & Gap Analysis (GA) is very helpful to build the KMS, and it is important to keep a good analytical quality. (3) The NGT group is able to access as well as assess more other critical factors, which are not included in the CFA in the beginning. (4) The result of GA is useful to clarify the KPI and business goal. (5) The definition of core competences will be discussed and re-defined by each business to do its own decision making. (6) Different type of industry requires different KMS strategy. (7) Businesses in practice adopt and implement tacit, explicit and/or outbound combination strategies that can be done separately or simultaneously. (8) Organization/Personnel and Process designs should connect with the result of “KMS structure assessment,” and these contents are not easy to duplicate by other business. (9) When KMS technical structure is connected with “KMS strategy assessment,” “KMS structure assessment,” and “KMS structure design” in a proper way, it is clear and easy to design. According to the research findings and results, five major sets of proposition were developed. They are: (1) The selected KMS strategy will be different while the attribute of industry is different. (2) The tacit, explicit and outbound combination strategies can be functioned in multiple ways. (3) Differences in the complexity degree of knowledge can result in different tacit strategies. (4) Differences in the complexity degree of knowledge can result in different outbound combination strategies. (5) Business positioned in the highly uncertain environment needs to develop the ability of quick response. And its tacit strategy focuses on the development of individuals’ ability, whereas explicit strategy focuses on the fast circulation and integration of information.


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