  • 學位論文

論權力場域的空間建構 以臺灣軍司令官邸到陸軍聯誼廳轉變為例

Constructing the Space of Power The transformation from the Residence of the Commander of Japanese Army to the Chinese club

指導教授 : 陳其澎


興建於日據時代(一九○七年、明治四十年),位於臺北市福州街與南昌路口,規模僅次於臺北賓館的陸軍聯誼廳(又名陸軍聯誼社),這棟興建已近百年的和、洋混風的大宅院,蘊藏許多不為人知的傳奇與故事,北市已於九三年一月將此處指定為古蹟;本建築係由日籍建築大師森山松之助、近藤十郎參與設計,原本作為日據時期臺灣總督府土木局水道課長官官邸,一九一九年日本成立「臺灣軍司令部」,成為天皇任命的臺灣軍司令官的官邸,光復後,臺灣軍司令部由陸軍接收,也從民國三十六年起成為孫立人將軍的官舍,直到民國四十四年八月爆發孫立人事件,期間正值臺灣國際地位的敏感階段,中外許多重要人物都在這裡進出;之後這棟建築歷經多次修繕,並改為陸軍對外的聯誼場所。 本研究擬以文化霸權的觀點及米契爾.傅柯(Michel Foucault)的差異空間概念(heterotopia)、空間與權力的概念為論述基礎,希望藉用史料來豐富對於這棟老房子的文化想像,並且分析濫觴於反殖民主義的「本土」意識之意涵,在幾經歷史過程中的轉折與時空交替下所涵構角色與地位,透過此一分析,在面對資本主義全球化的語境下都是空間的抽象化時,意圖重構並深化「本土化」之意涵,介入都市中歷史建築再利用之議題,藉由在實踐的過程中與理論進行辨正與對話,來尋求不同於形式主義之另類可能性。


The Army Association, also called the Army Club, situated at the crossroad of Nanchang Rd. and Fuzhou Street,Taipei dated from the Japanese occupied period (1907), designed by architect Moriyama Matsunosuke and his associator, has lots of unknown stories and legends and has been assigned as historic monument by the City Government of Taipei in January, 2004. This building was originally designed as the residence of the chief of the department of water conservancy but latter as the residence of the commander of Taiwan Army. After the restoration of Taiwan, this building was taken over by the Chinese Army (Nationalist China) and then became the residence of General Sun Li-Ren after 1947. After the case of Sun Li-Ren in 1955, the problem of Taiwan in the international circumstance has become more and more complicated, and this building has become the testimony of the twisted fields of tension concerning the power and place. This study tries to explore the cultural imagination of the Army Association by means of the cultural hegemony, heterotopia, and the concept of space and power of Michel Foucault. While facing the abstract space in the globalized capitalism, the author hopes that this can contribute to the issue of the redevelopment of the historical building in the city by means of the dialectic between the theories and practices, rather than the dilemmas of formalism, in order to reconstruct in depth the meaning of “localization”.


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