  • 學位論文

女性空間旅行經驗研究 -以1949-2000年臺灣女作家的旅行文學為例-

The Study of Female’s Space Travel Experiences: by the examples of travel literature of Taiwanese Female Novelists(1949-2000)

指導教授 : 陳其澎


摘要 旅行文學在當代臺灣出版現況中呈現蓬勃的景象,其中以女作家的作品佔大多數,根據自助旅行的人口調查,女性仍是占了大多數,可以看出女性旅行在臺灣社會有著特殊意義。旅行行為本身是地理位置的變化,從旅行者的角度來看是空間認知的轉變,經由移動的過程,遇見不同的文化,為旅人帶來新的刺激,也使主體產生內在性的變化。而旅行文學反應了旅行者的主體經驗,同時也記錄了臺灣女性旅行各時期的轉變,不論是當時社會環境或於異地時的空間感受,隨著作家的文字記錄鮮明的呈現,空間經驗也為文學所反映,不同時期旅行者所引述出的旅行經驗,隱含當時社會的某種現象,及旅人自身的問題,反映在旅行時對異地的感受。 本研究從女性旅行寫作的歷史中,分析作家們所處的社會環境,如何影響她們旅行的機會點與動機;從她們選擇的旅行地點、路徑及空間中,找出各時期女作家旅行的特質。再進入文本分析階段,以她們的旅行記錄為文本,印證相關的旅行理論。其中以「東方主義」的觀點分析五0、六0年代的旅行者,旅行地點集中在西方國家,旅行時早已將西方國家視為學習的對象,因此旅行的視角也頗為固定;從「游牧」觀念檢視七0年代旅行者到異地追求新生命的過程,印證旅行對女性而言有著踰越某種固定結構的意圖;以「去畛域化」的觀念來探討八0至九0年代,女作家尋找記憶中空間的返鄉旅行,返鄉者所面臨的認同問題。 本研究透過1949-2000年女作家旅行經驗的回溯,從空間論述的角度檢驗女性旅行,分析女性在己屬社會所遭遇的問題,也瞭解各個時代旅行者所關注事物的差異點。同時挖掘女性在異地時如何與環境互動,透過與「他者」的接觸,發覺在常軌的生活中不曾意識到的問題,而重新檢視自己的過程。 關鍵詞:旅行、女性研究、東方主義、游牧、去畛域化


東方主義 旅行 女性研究 游牧 去畛域化


Abstract Travel literature publishing has become quite abundant in present day Taiwan, and travel books written by female authors represent the vast majority. Women were also shown to be the majority of the traveling population, according to a traveling census. Thus, it is apparent that the female traveler is especially significant in Taiwan. The act of traveling itself is simply change of geographical location, and from the perspective of the traveler is just a change of spatial recognition: being able to meet different cultures throughout one’s journey. This brings excitement to the traveler, and forces the corpus to go through an internal change. Travel literature is a reaction to experience of the corpus, and also serves to record the change of the female Taiwanese traveler over time, whether from the perspective of the social environment of that time, or just special emotions that occur from being in a different place. The author’s words bring with them a vivid narration, yet the spatial experience is also reflected in the literature. The experiences depicted in travelers from different times hint at societal phenomenon from that time, as well as personal problems of the traveler, and are reflected in the emotions felt towards the different location. This study analyzes the environments occupied by female authors from different works of travel literature over the years, and how they affected the travel opportunities and motives of the travelers. It attempts this by analyzing the special characteristics of the travelers from the travel locations, routes, and spaces they chose. The analysis of the text uses the recordings as proof of related traveling theories. Among these, concepts from “Orientalism” are used to analyze travelers from the 50’s and 60’s whose travels were mainly focused in western countries. In these travels, the western countries were mainly viewed as a source for study. Because of this, traveling perspectives were somewhat rigid and unchanging. Looking at the process of travelers looking to pursue a new life in a different place from the 70’s from a nomadic perspective shows that for women, travel provides a way to overcome different types of set structures. By looking at the 80’s and 90’s from a “de-territorialization” perspective, female authors are seeking the voyage home from their memories, and problems faced by persons returning home. This study uses material from female travel experiences from 1949-2000, and analyses problems encountered by women in their own society from a special discussion perspective, and strives to understand differences in items focused on by travelers from each time generation. At the same time, it attempts to uncover how females interact with different environments, make discoveries from contact with things not usually considered in normal life, and examine the process that they have made. Keywords: Travel, Feminist Study, nomad, Orientalism, de-territorialization


de-territorialization nomad Orientalism Feminist Study Travel




楊日申(2013)。微型行銷概念下的地方休憩詩學創作 ─ 以排灣族泰武萬安村為例〔碩士論文,國立虎尾科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6827/NFU.2013.00046
