  • 學位論文


A Study on Patent Risk Management of Hi-Tech Industry--Exemplify Patent Insurance

指導教授 : 馮震宇博士 馮震宇博士


隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,無形資產的重要性已凌駕於有形資產之上,其中又以智慧資產為最。智慧資產若以具體的法律加以保護即成為智慧財產權,而智慧財產權的範圍極廣,最受到矚目的即為專利權;專利權人因為擁有透過專利法所賦予之排他權、市場一定期間的獨占權,更使得專利權頻頻成為高科技產業運用來對付競爭者的工具與手段。 專利權與高科技產業的關係既然密不可分,當然也就更須注重專利權的風險管理,再加上專利權的特性使然,其對高科技產業所帶來的可能風險影響更是超過一般想像,稍有不慎,就有可能導致產業的壽命結束。 「保險」一直以來就是古今中外分散風險的最佳風險管理機制,亦是集合眾人之力節省成本的有效良方,因此若能將專利權所產生的風險轉由保險業者承擔,將可使高科技產業更專注於本業的經營、創造更佳的獲利表現、吸引投資大眾的青睞。 針對以專利風險作為保險標的之保險商品於美國市場已行之有年,一方面是因為美國向來以重視智慧財產權與其風險著稱,另一方面則是因為美國的保險市場十分活絡,造就了各式各樣的保險商品,「專利保險」即為其中之一,專利保險的種類同樣地亦可分為第一人保險與第三人保險;而隨著持續增加的專利風險,更引起了歐盟國家的高度重視進而投入成本研究一體適用的可能性。 透過本論文的研究發現,不同的風險需要運用不同的風險管理機制處理,而從分析專利權所產生的風險屬於可保風險來看,引進專利保險對於我國高科技產業在分散專利風險上確實有正面的幫助效益;但由於客觀環境下的條件不具備,更使得我國在推行專利保險上有實際的困難度,其中包括:法律制度的不同所產生的專利風險程度有異、無準確計算保險標的價值的專業技術、主管機關欠缺審查專利保險商品的人才等等窘境。 從發現問題後,本論文進而以美國有關法制與實務作論述,蒐集相關法令與案例,加以分析比較,針對專利保險若欲於我國提出所可能遭遇到的窘境,提出建議解決方案,期能為我國主管機關、保險業者與高科技產業在審查、推出以及依照自身產品市場分佈區域選擇專利保險作為專利風險管理機制時的參考。


In the age of Knowledge-Based economics, the importance of intangible assets has already taken place over tangible assets, especially in intellectual assets. Intellectual assets would be interpreted as intellectual property rights if we protect it with concrete laws; but the contents of intellectual property rights are extremely wide, we only want to focus on patent rights; because everyone always pays more attention on it. The reason is patentee can hold exclusive rights and monopoly power on unique products and services during a certain period through patent law; therefore, patent rights always become a tool used by Hi-Tech industry to attack competitor. Since the relation between patent rights and Hi-Tech industry cannot be separated, of course, we shall pay more attention on patent risk management, furthermore, it is also caused by the characteristic of patent rights, the risks of patent rights has already effected Hi-Tech industry deeply, even make its life circle to the end. 「Insurance」is always the best risk management to eliminate the risks, Hi-Tech industry can only focus on operating its business, making its profits, attracting inventors if the patent risks can be transferred by him to insurer. Regard patent risks as the insured is lasting a very long time in American market, it not only because American market always pay attention on intellectual property rights and its risks, but also the insurance market is full of any kinds of insurances, 「patent insurance」 is one of them, patent insurance is also divided into two parts, one is the first party insurance, the other is the third party insurance. With the patent risks increasing continuously, EU also pays more attention on studying a suitable patent insurance for applying in whole area. According to the studying of this thesis, we understand that different risks need to have different risk management to deal with, and as the result of analyzing patent risks, we also get the answer “patent risks is insurable”, therefore, it is helpful and beneficial for Hi-Tech industry to introduce patent insurance on eliminating patent risks. But because the conditions under our whole environment are incomplete, to apply patent insurance is seemed a tough working, including: the different legal system, patent valuation technique, insurance reviewed system and so on. From finding problems, this thesis further discussing the issues of patent insurance by American legal system and legal practices, and then finding the best function to solve the certain problems.




黃嘉玲(2013)。發明人數、專利範疇、專利活動年期對公司績效之影響 ─ 以美國製藥業為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-2406201313135700
