  • 學位論文


A Comparision Study on Learning Process and Concentration of Students with/without Learning Disabilities.

指導教授 : 周永燦


根據我國特殊教育通報網的特殊障礙學生之種類人數表顯示,學習障礙數量佔大多數,但學習障礙與一般身心障礙不同,並無法透過某種治療法完全痊癒,而其與一般學生的差異在於他們的學習能力與一般同年齡的學生之智商水平不相符,例如在閱讀方面,他們於詞彙、字母辨認,或閱讀理解有困難,且學習障礙生較一般學生在閱讀文字不作改變之文章無法有效理解文章涵義,但透過字級、插圖等教材編輯模式能有效提升理解能力。為了瞭解字級及插圖對於學習障礙生的閱讀理解能力,過去研究多以眼動儀量測眼球移動歷程並分析及探討其數據代表之意義,但卻無從得知受測者的專注力與注意力,所以本研究目的為探討學習障礙生與一般生在閱讀三種特殊排版文章時的眼球移動軌跡與專注力,包含附有插圖文章、關鍵字級放大與不作任何改變之文章,並藉由錯別字與閱讀測驗探討其專注力與認知能力的關係,並最後將數據進行獨立樣本T檢定與ANOVA分析。 本研究結果顯示在附有插圖與關鍵字級放大之文章下,眼球移動數據顯示學習障礙生較願意花費時間閱讀,且閱讀完畢之意願提高。而於腦波數據結果顯示該兩篇文章對於學習障礙生與一般學生之間的差異並無顯著性,但在不作改變之文章下卻達顯著性。可見此兩種文章排版模式能提升學習障礙生的閱讀理解能力,希望此研究之排版方式可提供特殊教育教材設計及出版者作參考依據。


According to the statistics table about number of special obstacle students from Special Education Transmit Website show that students with Learning Disability (LD) is the largest number of all. But LD is different from physical and mental disorders, it can’t be completely cured through a treatment, and its differences with the normal student's learning ability isn’t likes other students of the same age. For example, they are difficult to understand in words, letters, or reading comprehension in reading. And the learning disability students can’t effectively understand the meaning of this articles without any change, but through the word size, illustrations and other teaching materials editing mode can enhance comprehending effectively. In order to understand the effect of words size and illustrations on reading comprehension and concentration, the purpose of this study is to investigate the changes of eye movement and concentration when learning disabilities and normal students are reading the special typesetting articles that including text only, word size of keywords upgrading, and having an illustration. And using wrong word to explore the relationship between their focus and cognitive ability. Finally, using T-test and ANOVA analysis results for the data. The results of this study show that under the article with illustrations and the article with word size of keywords upgrading, eye movement data show that learning disabilities are more likely to spend time reading and the willingness to read is improved. The brainwave data show two articles for the difference between learning disabilities and the normal students is not significant, but there is significant on reading articles of text only. The results and conclusions of this study can be a reference for future preparation of related teaching materials or lesson preparation.


15.陳明蕾、柯華葳 (2013),“學習障礙兒童線上閱讀歷程: 來自眼球移動的證據” ,特殊教育研究學刊,第38卷第3期,頁81-103。
