  • 學位論文


A study on the appreciations and assimilations amongst elementary school students in Taipei, whilst viewing the qualfied children’s television programs broadcasted by the Taiwan Public Television Service

指導教授 : 王健華


電視是兒童最常使用的媒體之一,以往的研究發現,不良的電視節目內容帶給兒童的影響是不容小覷的。因此,公共電視台在開台之初,便以製作優質的兒童節目為主軸,期望能帶給兒童一個優良的收視環境。 本研究針對公視優良兒童節目,以大台北地區高年級學童為研究對象,作為研究的節目為九十四年及九十五年獲得小金鐘獎殊榮的四個公視兒童節目,分別為『下課花路米』、『古典魔力客』、『我的這一班』以及『別小看我』。利用問卷調查的方式,將問卷分為『個人使用媒體的狀況』、『父母對子女收視的態度』、『個人對公視頻道認知程度』、『對公視優良兒童節目的滿意程度及欣賞指數』、『收視公視優良兒童節目後的滿足程度』、『對公視優良兒童節目的吸收程度』以及『基本資料』七大部份,除了能夠了解兒童目前使用媒體的狀況外,最重要的是希望藉此知道,這些已獲得獎項肯定的公視優良兒童節目,在兒童的心目中究竟評價為何。 研究結果發現,在使用媒體的狀況上,目前兒童平日看電視的時間大約在1到2小時之間,但到了假日卻有4小時以上的收視時間;而網路的使用時間,則是平日使用不到1小時的兒童最多,可是到了假日時和收看電視一樣,也達到了4小時以上;雖然看電視及上網的時間佔了兒童休閒時間中相當大的比率,但也發現他們並不會因此就對公視頻道或公視網站的使用頻率較頻繁,有大約8成的兒童都表示,無論是在平日或假日都極少收看過公視頻道或上過公視的網站。 但本研究讓兒童收視過這些優良節目後,發現他們其實對於公視優良兒童節目的評價,大致都有『普通』以上的程度。在欣賞指數及吸收程度的排名上,最受到肯定以及最能讓兒童理解的公視優良兒童節目,分別為『我的這一班』、『下課花路米』、『古典魔力客』以及『別小看我』;而就整體公視優良兒童節目來說,兒童認為對這些節目內容最滿意的因素為節目所提供的資訊具豐富性,而收視這些節目後最能夠滿足的需求則為能夠從中獲得新知見聞。


Television is undoubtedly one of the most popular media used by children. Research studies have revealed that the influence of television programs on children is profound. Thus, the Taiwan Public Television Service (referred hereinafter as “PTS”) has mainly developed high-grade children programs in the hope of providing an appropriate media environment for young children. This research focused on four award-winning children television programs produced by PTS in the year of 2005 and 2006. The target group composed of senior elementary school students in Taipei. A survey was conducted in order to understand the children’s current level of the media usage and more importantly to understand the children’s appreciation of the television programs mentioned above. The survey comprised of seven sections, as follows: ‘The participant’s level of media usage’, ‘The parents’ attitude toward their children watching television’, ‘The participant’s perception of PTS’s children television programs’, ‘The satisfaction and appreciation index of PTS’s children television programs’, ‘The level of gratification after viewing PTS’s children television programs, ‘The assimilations of PTS’s children television programs’, and ‘The participant’s personal information’. The results of the survey uncovered that most of the participants watch television for about one to two hours during the weekdays and more than four hours during the weekends. Similarly, Internet usage is less than one hour during the weekdays and over four hours during the weekends. Although children tend to spend most of their free time in watching television and using the Internet, PTS’s program viewing and website browsing remains unchanged. Approximately eighty percent of the participants indicated that they seldom or have never watched PTS’s programs or visited its website on either weekdays or weekends. PTS’s award-winning programs were presented to the target group prior to conducting the survey. Most of the participants demonstrated an average or above average level of appreciation for these programs. In general, the participants were satisfied with the richness in the information provided from these programs and they were able to assimilate those that met their needs.




